
1. Intro

The goal is to understand the world from a geography perspective. Understand and explore some of the most unique scene and culture (just a little bit)

Plan: from North America to South America. Then Europe, Africa. Then Asia. Finally Polar region

2. Basic

Definition: Study of places and the relationships between people and environments

  • Physical properties of the Earth
  • Human societies spread across it

Principle: spatial perspective, holistic approach, scale(local global)

2.1. Tectonic Plates

The crust is divided into several pieces, float on semi-fluid asthenosphere

Interaction: move toward, move away, slide past

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1. Why Charge to 80% for Battery Life

Lithium-ion: if kept at high charge level for extended periods, especially in warm condition, they can degrade faster over time. Why

  • higher voltage, the more stress applied to battery’s chemistry
  • Uneven deposition of lithium on the anode, cause permanent capacity loss
  • Heat accelerate all the degradation process

2. Why Pineapple Crown can Grow

  • Meristematic cell on the base of a pineapple crown
  • Tissue differentiation: remove a crown and allowing it dry for a day or two
  • Plant hormones

2.1. Sense to Environment?

Largely governed by hormones

  • Gravitropism
  • Contact with soil, from open air to more humid, dark and compact medium
  • Light exposure changed the hormones distribution

3. Rose Color

Complex interplay of

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1. Lens Filter: UV/FLD/CPL

UV: block ultraviolet light, modern sensor resistant to UV

  • Act as protection

FLD: compensates for the greenish tint

  • Useless since white balance can be post-edited

CPL: Circular Polarizing Filter

  • Reduce reflections and glare from non-metallic surfaces

Solar Filter: designed to protect sensor and eye

  • Block sunlight and UV and IR

2. (Solar) Eclipse

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1. What All Hands Meeting Means

Typical purpose

  • Communication from leadership
  • Celebrating achievements
  • Sharing updates
  • Addressing concerns

Why “hands”? From seafaring, refer to sailor

2. Help America, Pray the Rosary

Rosary: a form of prayer used in Catholic Church

Interpreted as: praying the Rosary can benefit the US in some way

3. USPS Private or Public

USPS is an independent branch of the federal government.

Self funding entity

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1. Why Pineapple contain apple

Originally used to describe pine cones

When European explorers encountered the fruit in America, they used the term to describe the fruit

1.1. How is it grow

  1. Growth from the center, flower stalk, produce the pineapple fruit
  2. Reproduction: once pineapple fruit is harvested, the plant can produce side shoots
  3. The crown can be planted to grow a new pineapple

2. Relationship between Age and Sleep Duration

  1. New born: 14-17
  2. Infants: 12-15
  3. Toddlers: 11-14
  4. Preschooler: 10-13
  5. School-age: 9-11
  6. Teenager: 8-10
  7. Young adults: 7-9
  8. Older: 7-8
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1. Main Difference between HDMI and DP


  • Designed for TV
  • Carry video, audio and control signal
  • Pay a royalty fee to use the HDMI specification
  • Pure digital


  • Designed for computer
  • Carry video, audio and data
  • No royalties
  • Capability to adapt to HDMI, DVI and VGA

1.1. USB-C?

USB-C refers to physical shape

Underlying different protocol

  • USB 3.1/3.2/4
  • DP over USBC
  • Thunderbolt
  • USB-PD

2. Usage of Monopod

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1. Workout: Active & Total Cal

Active: burn due to physical activity

  • wouldn’t burned if you were just sitting still

Total: active plus the calories you would burn anyway just by existing

2. HDR Gain Map

Often used to modulate the local brightness of areas in an image or video

Computation: represent the local contrast or adjust luminance

Can be applied to 8 bit image

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1. Why Coconut Drink Pink

Turn into pink on SHELF

Natural antioxidants begin to react with oxygen

2. Benefit of Carrot Drink

High in Beta-carotene and Vitamin A

  • Good for vision, support immune function

Antioxidant properties

Reduced cholesterol levels

Digestive health

3. How Hydrocortisone Works

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1. What is XAVC

Video compression formats developed by Sony

  • Introduced in 2012
  • Feature: support HD up to 4K and beyond. Can handle 60fps and 10bit/12bit color depth
  • Use H264 as compression codec but optimize for professional use

H264: released in 2003, support up to 4K

H265: released in 2013, targeted to next generation of video, including 8K and HDR

2. What is Intra/Long GOP

Different ways frames are compressed

  • Intra: each frame is compressed individually without referencing other frames
    • Higher quality
    • Better for editing
    • Larger file size
  • Long GOP: a group of successive frame is compressed using both intra and inter frame tech
    • 3 kind frames
      • I frame: Intra frame, self-contained and not based on other frame
      • P frame: Predictive frame, hold only the changes from previous frame
      • B frame: Bidirectional frame: hold the difference between current frame and preceding and following frame, most compressed type
    • Smaller file size
    • Artifacts in high-motion scenes
    • More complex encoding process

B frame is X% previous frame and Y% next frame

I B B P B B P B B P …

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1. Introduction

On a sunny Saturday, after relishing a delicious short-rib meal, I found myself drifting into a deep nap. Awakening at 4 PM, I was instantly overtaken by guilt, thinking I had wasted a beautiful day. That unsettling feeling lingered for a while, prompting me to introspect and confront this toxic mindset.

2. The Always-On Mindset

The allure of constant productivity is pervasive. The thought, “I must make the most of every moment and always be productive,” seems to dominate modern life. This mindset stems from various factors:

  • Human Nature: We inherently avoid activities we don’t find pleasurable or rewarding.
  • Industrialization: The more you produce, the more successful you are, or so we’re told.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, where many showcase only the highs of their lives, amplify the pressure to live vibrantly and productively.

3. Limitations of Constant Productivity

While it might seem logical that being incessantly productive leads to success, this approach has its pitfalls:

  • Burnout: Continuous work, even if it’s for leisure, without adequate rest can be draining, leading to both physical and mental exhaustion.
  • Missed Joy: Life’s simplest pleasures are abundant, but we often need to slow down to truly notice and appreciate them.
  • Searching for Life’s Meaning: It’s a profound question, and many spend their entire lives seeking an answer.

4. Finding Purpose

I’ve come to believe that life doesn’t have an inherent meaning. We exist in this vast universe, a mere speck in the grand scheme of things. Yet, humans innately seek purpose. While some turn to religion and others to education or philanthropy, I find meaning in enjoyment and experiences. Exploring the unknown, traveling, and creating—like building robots—enriches my life and brings me joy.

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