
1. Intro

Select the most common material and study each in detail

In each category, explore

  • Physical Properties: Density, melting point, thermal conductivity, etc.
  • Mechanical Properties: Strength, hardness, elasticity, etc.
  • Chemical Properties: Resistance to corrosion, reactivity, etc.
  • Applications: How and where the material is commonly used.

2. Metal

Iron: Fe

  • 8g/cm3
  • 1538 melting
  • Pure iron is soft
  • Mainly used in construction, automobile, tools and machinery


  • 2.7g/cm3
  • 660 melting
  • Moderate strength
  • Form oxide layer protect from further corrosion
  • Mainly used in packaging, transportation, construction, power line


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1. Nerve in Bone?

Yes, nerves present in bones, not as dense as in other tissues


  • CNS: brain and spinal cord
  • PNS: from brain and spinal cord, extending to all parts of body
    • Somatic: control voluntary movement
    • Autonomic: control involuntary function like heart rate, digestion
    • Enteric: 肠胃

2. Different Type of Fried Chicken

American: deep fried or pan fried

Korean: double fried to achieve extra crispy exterior

Keep Juicy:

  • Brining or marinating
  • Cooking temp and time
  • Cut: dark meat tend to be jucier
  • Breading: thicker

3. Parking System

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1. Mac And Cheese

Macaroni and cheese, traced back to Italy

  • Pasta cut into 2-inch squares, cooked in water, and tossed with grated cheese

Nowadays, using elbow macaroni and cheese source, has roots in 18th-century England

1.1. As a Meal?

  • Add vegetables
  • Choose whole-grain pasta
  • Moderate cheese and fat
  • Watch portion size

2. Hair Grow Speed

1.25 cm per month

Age: fast when children, slow down starting 20s and 30s

Gender: men slightly faster, more likely to experience hair loss

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1. Intro

Understanding and manipulating the properties of materials to create new or improved products, encompasses

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Engineering
  • Biology

How to? Understand the basics, dive deeper into material properties, learn about material processing, explore material characterization, apply to real-life application

1.1. Fundamental Principle

Structure influence the property, in different level (atomic, microscopic, macroscopic)

Properties and performance could be optimized

1.2. Goal

Developing new material

Improving existing material

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1. Shampoo Purpose

  • Removing dirt and oil
  • Cleansing the scalp, essential for healthy hair growth

2. Durian and Jackfruit

Not closely related

  • Same broader grouping of flowering plants

3. Cigar and cigarette

Cigar vs. Cigratte

  • 30min-2hr vs 5-10min
  • hold in mouth vs inhaled into lungs
  • flavor: wide variety vs consistent


  • Cigar: flavor and aroma, relaxation, status, ritual
  • Cigarette: nicotine, habit, sensory
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1. Heat Milk, What Left

Evaporated Milk, reduce water content about 60%

Milk Powder: dryness

2. What’s the zizi Sound when Fry

Interaction between the hot pan and the moisture within the meat

  • Evaporation of moisture
  • Maillard reaction

3. What is Pink Source

A combination of cream and tomato sauce, creating a pinkish hue

Generally include: cream, garlic, onion, and sometimes vodka

4. Red Bull Sports Team

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1. Knee Joint Sound

Joint crepitus


  • Gas bubbles
  • Tendons and ligaments
  • Articular surfaces


  • Occasional popping is harmless

How to avoid:

  • Exercise, maintain joint function and reduce chances of joint problem
  • Stay flexible
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Avoid repetitive stress

2. Samyang vs. Rokinon

Samyang: South Korean company manufacturing photographic lens since 1970s

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1. How Insurance Industry Works

Risk management tool designed to help individuals mitigate the financial impact of unexpected events

Basic model:

  • Risk pooling, the losses of the few are paid for by the many
  • Law of large numbers: as the size of sample grows, the actual loss will approximate the expected loss experience
  • Insured parties pay premiums in exchange for coverage
  • Investment Income: insurance companies collect premiums, in the interim, they can invest to earn return

Modern trends

  • Insurtech: Startup offer things like peer-to-peer insurance, on-demand insurance
  • Big Data: help refine the risk assessment models
  • Telematics: device tracking driving behavior to price premiums

2. Smog Test

Procedure to evaluate the amount and type of pollutants, help improving the air quality

  • From “Smoke” and “Fog”

3. Pineapple Flesh

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1. Windows Kernel: CE NT

CE: compact edition, designed for embedded system like PDA, handhelds

  • Modular system, compact and efficient
  • File system: FAT
  • Real time capabilities

NT: new technology, designed for desktops, workstation

  • Hybrid kernel, combine microkernels and monolithic kernel
  • File system: NTFS

2. Plastic Surgery

Plastic: from Greek word “Plastikos”, means “to mold” or “to shape”

Two type

  • Cosmetic: reshape normal structure to improve
  • Reconstructive: performed on abnormal structures

3. Duplex Printer

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1. USB vs Serial

Serial: one bit at a time, in a sequence

  • Most common standards is RS-232

COM: communication port, referred to physical RS-232 serial ports

  • In most modern computer, the COM port is generally simulated

On board, there is a additional chip act as USB-to-serial converter

2. Network Address Start with //

Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path

  • Used mainly for local area network, in Windows
  • Why? provide a standardized way to access shared resources across a network


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