
1. Public Transport Profit

Complex in US: about 6800 organizations and 79 billion industry, employing more than 430,000 people

CA: declining revenue and end of crucial federal funding

Santa Clara: Maybe net lesses over the next decade

  • Expense: labor cost
  • Revenue: sales tax

2. Multiple Timezone Country


  • Large geographical size: Russia, USA, Canada, Australia
    • US: 11
    • Russia: 11
    • Canada: 6
    • Australia: 3
  • Oversea territories: France

2.1. Daylight Saving Time

  • Better use of daylight
  • Energy conservation
  • Promoting outdoor activity
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1. Name Origin of SF and Golden Gate

1.1. SF

The city was named by Spanish colonists in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. The full Spanish name given to the area was “La Misión de Nuestro Padre San Francisco de Asís” (The Mission of Our Father Saint Francis of Assisi), referring to the founding of the Mission San Francisco de Asís, also known as Mission Dolores, in 1776

1.2. Golden Gate

It was named in 1846 by John C. Frémont, an American explorer, who likened it to the Golden Horn in the Bosporus, a famous strait in Istanbul, Turkey. Frémont called it the “Chrysopylae” or “Golden Gate,” as he believed the harbor of San Francisco to be a strategic trading center for the Pacific.

2. Origin of Dim Sum

Associated with the Cantonese tradition of “yum cha”

  • Tea house
  • Imperial kitchens, variety and refinement influenced by the imperial kitchens
  • Guangdong and Hong Kong

3. Why SF Chinatown Famous

  • Oldest Chinatown in North America, largest Chinese enclave outside Asia
  • Tourist: bustling streets, ornate temples, traditional markets, unique shops
  • Restaurant: a range of authentic Chinese cuisines
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1. Memory in OS

In use: used by operating system and running application

Committed: total amount of virtual memory has requested

Cached: recently used and is kept in RAM

Paged pool: used by windows system to store object that can be written to disk when not being used

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1. How Retirement Works

Age of retirement: As long as someone meet their financial goal and feel safe

Social security benefit: full retirement age is 66 to 67

401K: accessible without penalty after 59

  • Encourage long-term saving

Health care: Medicare, federal insurance for people 65 and older

1.1. Social Security

federal program that provides retirement, disability, and survivors benefits to eligible individuals

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax

  • Social Security
  • Medicare
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1. Intro

Literature: written works, especially those considered to have artistic or intellectual value

  • Mainly focus on individual works, exploring themes, styles, narrative technique and historical contexts
  • Within a single cultural and linguistic context
  • Goal: understand how authors use language and narrative to reflect and shape human experience and culture

Comparative literature

  • An academic field concerned with the study of literature across cultural, linguistic
    • Interact with other fields like history, philosophy and cultural studies
  • Goal: understand how do literary themes, forms, and styles transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries


  • Understand ourselves and others
  • Connect with the past and other cultures
  • Challenge and enrich our thinking

2. Basics on Literature


  • Plot: the sequence of events in a story.
    • Introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
  • Character: complex, multi-dimensional being
    • Developement is crucial to the plot
  • Theme: a central idea or message in a story
  • Setting: time and place in which a story is et
  • Style: author’s unique way of writing. Like words choice, sentence structure,
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1. How Kickstarter works

Crowdfunding platform designed to help bring creative projects to life

  1. Project creation, goal, story
    1. Finanical goal and timeline for your campaign, 30-60 days
  2. All-or-Nothing funding: must reach your set funding goal
  3. Backer Rewards: offer reward based on the amount of money they pledge
  4. Promotion
  5. Funding and Fee, 5%
  6. Post-Campaign, your responsibility to complete the project and deliver on any promises
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1. Life Style Categories


  • Reading books
  • Watching documentaries
  • Conducting interview
  • Online forums
  • Traveling

Define what to learn and understand

2. Life Meaning of 9-5 Worker

  • Majority of active hours at work
  • Limited personal time
  • Repetitive cycle
  • Work life balance challenges
  • Fulfillment
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1. How Creatine Works

Help muscles produce energy during high intensity exercise or heavy lifting

95% of creatine is stored in muscles

When supplement, help body produce more ATP

2. How Lutein Works


  • Antioxidant protection
  • Blue light filtration
  • Maintaining macular health

Diet perspective:

  • Kale, spinach, parsley, green peas, high in lutein

Hi Chi,

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1. Intro

Understand the basics of law and the judicial system

  1. Learn about the legal system
  2. Specific areas of law
  3. How to handle legal issue
  4. Stay informed

2. Structure

Federal and State law

  • Federal law: created by Congress, applicable across all states
    • Immigration
    • Bankruptcy
    • Social security
    • If conflict, federal prevail
  • State law: applicable only within particular state
    • Education
    • Health
    • State criminal


  • Trial courts: the courts where a case starts. Parties present evidence and make arguments, the judge make a decision
    • Trial court is designed for fact-finding
  • Appellate courts: if a party is not satisfied with the decision, can appeal to higher court. Review the legal aspects, not factual evidence
    • Why not factual evidence: not practical, waste of time
  • Supreme courts: highest court. Often deal with issues of constitutional and public importance. Decision is final and binding
    • Final: last word on that particular legal issue
    • Binding: serve as a precedent must be followed by all lower courts, becomes part of the legal framework
    • Enforce: the decision is legally enforceable

3. Rights

Constitutional right

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