
1. 高手的心法


  • 正念自控:识别感情,接受感情,研究感情,分离。站在第三方的视角看待自己的情感


  • 可控就好好控,不可控就放下


  • 多样性和间隔性
  • 浅的东西用间隔,深的东西自带多样性


  • 让自己的信息量高,有更多的选择权,充满意外,不可预测
  • 跟别人沟通就多说几遍,增加冗余度


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1. 思维方式



  • 媒体不会客观中立而会选择特定的群体,读者喜欢耸人听闻的标题
  • 逻辑推理能力可能是为了说服而不是追求真理
  • 避免说服式文章,追求第一手资料



  • 做决策需要我们克服本能,考虑长远


  • 很多事情就是有随机的成分,不用过度解读
  • 肯定会有误差,要学会忽略误差内的波动
  • 赌徒谬误:过去不平均,就以为未来会抹平
  • 不要刻意去寻找规律,有些事很难被预测
  • 小数定律:数据少,随机就变得不随机。数据少,什么都说明不了


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1. Intro

Why: understand the universe we live, our existence, nature of the cosmos

  • How universe works
  • Origin of everything
  • Exploring possibilities of life

Major problem

  • Dark matter, dark energy
  • The scale of universe
  • Complex data and interpretation

1.1. Phase 1: Foundation of Astronomy

  1. Introduction to Astronomy
    • Content: Overview of astronomy, its history, and significance.
    • Purpose: To set the stage for what astronomy entails and its role in understanding the universe.
  2. Understanding the Night Sky
    • Content: Basics of observing the sky, constellations, motions of celestial objects.
    • Purpose: Observational skills are crucial in astronomy. This forms the basis for all astronomical observations.
  3. Solar System
    • Content: Detailed study of our solar system, including planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.
    • Purpose: Provides an understanding of celestial bodies closest to us, essential for grasping more complex concepts later.
  4. Stellar Astronomy
    • Content: Life cycles of stars, nuclear fusion, star types and properties.
    • Purpose: Stars are fundamental units of the universe. Understanding them is key to grasping larger structures and processes.
  5. Tools of Astronomy
    • Content: Telescopes, detectors, and observational techniques.
    • Purpose: Familiarizes learners with how astronomical data is collected and analyzed, crucial for understanding modern astronomy.

1.2. Phase 2: Intermediate Concepts

  1. Galactic Astronomy
    • Content: Structure and dynamics of galaxies, including the Milky Way.
    • Purpose: Builds upon stellar astronomy to explore larger structures, helping to understand the universe’s organization.
  2. Cosmology
    • Content: Large scale structure of the universe, Big Bang theory, expansion of the universe.
    • Purpose: Addresses the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe, providing context for all astronomical phenomena.
  3. Exoplanetary Science
    • Content: Study of planets outside our solar system, methods of detection.
    • Purpose: An emerging and rapidly evolving field, reflecting current research trends and broadening the understanding of planetary systems.

1.3. Phase 3: Advanced Topics

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1. Wisdom Teeth Extraction


  • Prevent future problem, like decay, gum disease
  • Easier oral hygiene: potentially reducing the risk of plaque buildup
  • Avoid over-eruption, may lead to other dental issue such as bite misalignment
  • Age consideration, younger patients tend to recover more quickly


  • Surgical risk: risk as infection, bleeding, nerve damage
  • Recovery time: allocate time for recovery
  • Cost and time
  • If ain’t broke


  • Immediately
  • Scheduled convenience, right way to do
  • Wait and see

Decision: Schedule an extraction once available. Nothing to worry about right now, everything is good, dentist said the overall teeth situation is good

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1. Persimmon Turn Soft

Mainly two types:

  • Astringent, high in tannin and need to become soft and ripe to be palatable
  • Non-astringent: can be eaten while hard and crisp. Would eventually soften, but still firmer than the astringent varieties
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1. Aviation System

Airways: Invisible path in the sky, pilots follow the predetermined routes


  1. At the gate
  2. Taxis to the runway
  3. Get clearance from air traffic control
  4. Take off


  1. Follow a descent path
  2. Get clearance to land
  3. Lands
  4. Taxis to its gate

Traffic rule:

  • Right-of-way rules
    • General rules
      • Non powered > powered
      • Balloons > non-powered
      • Distress aircraft >
    • Converging: the right has the right-of-way
    • Overtaking: aircraft being overtaken has the right-of-way
    • Head-on: both alter to the right
    • Landing: lower altitude
  • Altitude assignments to prevent collisions
  • Speed limits
  • Rules for navigating around bad weather

Communication: use radio to communicate with air traffic control and other aircraft

Navigation: use GPS and VORs (Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range.)

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1. Intro

Governance of a country or area

  • The debate among individual or parties having or hoping to achieve

How to learn? The theories, systems, institutions, the impact

Goal: Achieve a well-organized, harmonious society where

  • Resources are distributed fairly
  • Citizens live freely and safely

By using

  • Rules
  • Laws
  • Systems

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1. City Light Color, Why Yellow

  • Older installation use sodium vapor lamps, emit yellow orange light
  • Visibility and comfort
  • Transition to LED, origin cold, now can produce warmer hues

1.1. How Sodium Vapor Lamps Works


  • Bulb
    • Contain small amount sodium
  • Inert gas (usually neon or argon)


  • Starting, the inert gas ionized, easier at lower temperature
  • Heating sodium, vaporize the sodium
  • Sodium ionization, emit light efficiently

2. Jade Culture



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1. Intro

Mysticism, spans a wide range of cultures, religions, and philosophical systems

  • Often described as a form of union or communion that transcend normal human perception
  • More about experiential knowledge

In different culture

  • Diversity: mystical tradition are found in many world religions
  • Themes: share common themes such as
    • Search of truth
    • Experience of oneness
    • Transcendence of the ordinary self


  • Meditation and prayer
  • Contemplative rituals

2. Practice


  • Goal: To quiet the mind, deepen awareness, experience a sense of oneness
  • How: breath-focused meditation, mantra meditation, Zen meditation, Vipassana
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1. How to Pack Travel Carryon

Clothing: layering, bottoms, shoes

Electronics: charger

Misc: document


  • Roll your cloth
  • Wear bulkier items
  • Check airline restriction

2. Difference between Check Baggage and Carryon


  • Checked: allow more things, like
    • Liquid
    • Certain tools
    • Sports equipment
  • Carryon: strict liquid restriction: 3-1-1 rules
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