
1. Intro

Multifaceted art form involves the three-dimensional representation or abstraction of forms

Materials include clay, stone, metal, wood, plastic and textiles

  • Materials greatly affect aesthetics and conceptual interpretation
  • Require different tools and techniques

Techniques: modeling (additive method), carving (subtractive method), casting (essential for reproducing fine details), assembly (innovative, multidimensional artworks)

Structural integrity: sculptors must ensure their works can stand stably and endure over time

Finish: surface treatment affects visual appeal

2. History

Ancient civilization

  • Mainly religious, royal, serving as idols, funerary statues
  • The Great Sphinx of Giza, statues of pharaohs like Ramses II
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1. Intro

In the past few years, I have improve inner-self a lot. Maybe time for a better outside.

Goal: Look better, feel good about self

What to do?

  • Outfit
  • Hairstyle
  • Skin Care
  • Body shape and health
  • Charm, social skills
  • Accessories

2. Outfit

Philosophy goal:

  • Express self
  • Be part of the community
  • Adapt to the environment, dress code
  • Be more confidence, pro mental
  • Aesthetic

My goal: comfort while looks good (generally speaking)


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1. Basic

History: Egypt and Paleolithic Europe. By 18th century, became popular medium among Landscape painter


  • Watercolor paints
    • Tubes: soft, pasty and come in a tube, more vibrant and easier to mix
    • Pans: solid blocks
  • Brushes
  • Paper: thicker than regular drawing paper to prevent warping


  • Wet-on-wet: applying wet paint to achieve soft, diffused edges
  • Wet-on-dry: for sharper lines and controlled details
  • Glazing: layering then, transparent coats
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1. Basics

History: First developed in 1940s, then commercially available in 1950s


  • Fast drying
  • Water-soluble, less toxic
  • Color brilliance: doesn’t yellow over time
  • Versatilities: work like watercolor or oil


  • Washing: thin, watery coat
  • Layering: building layer upon layer, each layer must be dry before applying next
  • Palette Knife Painting: using the knife to apply thick layer
  • Impasto: very thick paint appear almost three dimensinoal
  • Dripping and Splattering
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1. What

Oil Pastel = Stick of pigment with wax and oil


  • Cleanest, easy to use, hassle free
  • Non-toxic
  • Oil paint alternative
  • Vibrant and expressive, good for landscape


  • Difficult to control, not sharp and not that much detail
  • Finished art storage
  • Stick break easily
  • No erasing

2. Color

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1. Intro

Painting and drawing is a visual art form. I am not good at painting at all. For me, painting is two part

  • Draw the real world
  • Draw the inner world, from imagination

But both seems have better solution, like photograph, literature etc.

Let’s see how my view changed after dive deeper

2. Foundations


  • Observation, see and interpret. Understand the form, shape, color
  • Drawing, how to represent the world using lines, shapes and volumes
  • Color theory, about color harmony, contrasts, how color affect each other
  • Composition, arranging the elements of art in a way that aesthetically pleasing and effectively communicates intention.

Basic Principles:

  • Line: the edge of objects, convey movement or emotion
  • Shape and form: 2D and 3D, create illusion of space
  • Space: positive (object) and negative (background) space
  • Texture: the quality of a surface
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1. Intro



  • Visual art: painting, sculpture, photography, architecture
  • Performing art: music, dance, theatre
  • Literary art: poetry, fiction, non-fiction
  • Applied art: fashion design, graphic design
  • Digital art: digital painting, 3d modeling

2. Learning Order

This serve as a template for all art forms I would like to learn

  1. Foundation Skills: the basics, tools,
  2. History and Styles: understanding the past
  3. Techniques and Mediums: more complex technique and mediums
  4. Concept Development / Personal Style: how to convey messages or emotions through work
  5. Critique and Appreciation: constructively critique own work

3. Prompt

  1. Exploring Foundation Skills in X
  • “Introduce me to the foundational skills necessary for mastering art form X. What are the basic principles, elements, and techniques I should start with? Please explain why each is important and how they contribute to the art form as a whole.”
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1. Deciding to Start a Startup

Should you start a startup? What type of people?

  • Resilence

Motivation change very often, but

  • Solve the problem
  • People to work with

Ideas should be come up with the co-founder

  • Flash thoughts
  • Work with talented people

Can I live with worst case? Worst Case Scenario Analysis

Why NOT NOT startup

  • Young
  • Inexperienced
  • Not smart
  • Business
  • No cofounder
  • No idea
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1. Intro

Now I have learned something about investment, especially about low risk and medium risk investment.

For low risk investment, the money fund market maybe the best for now, 5% APY is not bad

For medium risk investment, I guess the SP500 should be fine, it will capture the overall economic situation

For the high risk investment,

  1. What options do I have
  2. What’s the pro and con of each of them
  3. Tax consideration

2. Options

Individual stocks: single companies


VC: venture capital, investment in early-stage companies

Leveraged ETF: use financial derivatives to amplify the return of an underlying index

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1. Intro

I want to know about Google Patents, how it works, what can I get from it.

My goal is to get the trend of patent application, that can indicate the overall trend of robot industry

2. Overview from Google

Patents from around the world, translated


  • Patent from US, EU, JP, CN, SK…
  • Non-patent literature potential contain SOTA
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