
1. Why






2. More




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1. Why


  • 很简单,因为现在坐的椅子不舒服
  • 怎么不舒服?久坐很累。
  • 原因:缺少支撑,导致某些部位肌肉代偿用力


2. How

Learn from the best. 没时间学习如何设计一把椅子,直接来看最好的办公椅制造公司是如何设计产品的


Herman Miller生产的Aeron Chair,久负盛名。根据其官网的描述,主要是有以下几点特征

  • 可调节背部两片式的支撑,支撑腰部骶骨(脊柱的最下方)

Adjustable PostureFit SL pads provide lumbar support and stabilize the base of the spine.

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1. 目录



  • 人力资源


  • 企业管理

既然最重要的人,那么接下来重要的就是如何管理人,make sense

  • CEO能力


2. 人力资源

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1. What I want to Know

How they add key point landmark detection

How they design their network due to this change

2. Yolo5Face Contribution

  • Redesign the YoloV5
  • Design models for different model size
  • Evaluate on Widerface

3. Key Modification

Add a landmark regression head, this is what I want to know

In face detection, there are 5 points (simplified from 68 points)

  • General loss functions for landmark regression: Wing-loss
    \operatorname{wing}(x)= \begin{cases}w \cdot \ln (1+|x| / e), & \text { if } x<w \ |x|-C, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}


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1. Meshroom

Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs. It infers the geometry of a scene from a set of unordered photographies or videos. Photography is the projection of a 3D scene onto a 2D plane, losing depth information. The goal of photogrammetry is to reverse this process.

The dense modeling of the scene is the result yielded by chaining two computer vision-based pipelines:
“Structure-from-Motion” (SfM) and “Multi View Stereo” (MVS).

2. Pipeline

  1. Feature extraction
  2. Goal: extract feature points
  3. Method: SIFT
  4. Image matching
  5. Goal: find images looking to the same area, then we can reduce computation
  6. Method: Vocabulary tree approach
  7. Feature matching
  8. Goal: match feature points between candidate image pairs
  9. Method: calculate distance and use RANSAC
  10. Structure from Motion (SFM)
  11. Goal: compute the pose of each images
  12. Methods:
  13. Fuse all matched feature point pairs
  14. Choose the best initial image pair
  15. Compute the fundamental matrix
  16. Using PnP to calculate the pose
  17. Filter the results using Bundle Adjustment
  18. Depth Maps Estimation
  19. Goal: get the depth value of each pixel
  20. Method: Semi-Global Matching
  21. Meshing
  22. Goal: create geometric surface representation of the scene
  23. Method:
  24. Fuse all depth maps into global octree
  25. Perform 3D Delaunay tetrahedralization (四面体化), then voting
  26. Graph cut Max-Flow, optimally cut the volume
  27. Texturing
  28. Goal: texture the generated mesh
  29. Method:
  30. Compute UV maps
  31. For each triangle, use the color of each candidate to estimate

3. Data Acquisition

Goal: Clear images from different angles

Camera setting

  • Fixed low ISO (low noise)
  • Fixed high shutter speed (less then 1/100s, no blur)
  • Fixed long focal length (everything is in focus)
  • Fixed white balance (stable image color for feature matching)
  • Enough lighting (so that we can keep low iso and high shutter speed)


  • Camera fixed, object move

  • will need a spin base

  • keep the background pure color

  • Camera move, object fixed

  • Shot around the object (360 degree)

  • In each spot, shot from 3 different heights

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1. 旋转矩阵


  • 绕自身旋转(右乘变换矩阵)
  • 绕固定轴旋转(左乘变换矩阵)


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1. Intro

Goal: To tune hyper-parameter in machine learning or deep learning, using bandit algorithm, to minimize the time usag

Methods used with

  • SGD
  • Tree ensembles

Idea: Try a large number of random configurations, but takes a lot of time. So hyperband:

  1. Run just an iteration (random configuration) or two at first
  2. Evaluate how they perform
  3. Using earlier results to select candidates for longer runs

e.g, following experiments: max iteration:81

Runs Iteration
81 1
27 3
9 9
3 27

It starts with 81 runs, one iteration each. Then the best 27 configurations get three iterations each. Then the best nine get nine, and so on

2. Learning Rate: Tune or Not

“Low learning rate with many iterations” is good for XGBoost

If we do not tune learning rate, the hyperband make good sense

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1. What

Like the nerve system in human body

  • ECU like the body parts
  • Sensor can broadcast the data and share in the can bus

Hardware level

  • CAN High
  • CAN Low

2. Why (Main Benefical)

  1. Simple and Low cost
  2. Fully Centerlized
  3. Extremely Robust (抗干扰)
  4. Effcient, with priority ID

3. History


CAN 2.0 1991

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1. 茶是如何做出来的?

  1. 茶叶种植
  2. 茶树是一种常青灌木,喜欢酸性土壤和丰富的灌溉。种植的海拔越高,味道越浓烈
  3. 从种下一棵茶树开始,一般需要3年才能有用于喝的叶片
  4. 虽然茶树可以长得很高,但为了采摘嫩叶,一般会修剪到一定高度。(一般来说,茶树越矮,能产出的叶片越多)
  5. 茶叶采摘
  6. 只有在最顶端3-5cm的叶片会被采摘。在丰收季节,每7-15天会长出新的嫩芽
  7. 目前茶叶一般都是手工采摘
  8. 茶叶被收集起来之后会再筛选一遍,把破损的和品相不好的筛选掉
  9. 处理茶叶
  10. 导致茶叶颜色、风味不同的主要是处理过程不同
  11. 比如绿茶主要是通过晒干、烘烤
  12. 比如红茶主要是被氧化了,让茶叶中的酶和氧气反应,使茶叶颜色变深,风味更浓厚
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