
1. Intro

Try something new, I am not into wine, juts want to know more about this culture

Type of red wine:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon: full-bodied with flavors of black cherry, black currant, baking spices
  • Merlot: medium-bodied with softer tannins
  • Pinot Noir: light bodied with flavor of red berries and subtle earthiness


  • Wine glass: larger bowl to allow the wine to breathe
  • Corkscrew
  • Tasting notebook, record the impressions


  • Look: observe the color and clarity
  • Swirl: notice the wine forms legs and tears
  • Smell: take a brief whiff, then a deeper inhale to identify specific aromas
  • Taste: take a small sip and let it roll around moth
    • Attack
    • Mid-palate
    • Aftertaste

Food: often pair with heavier dishes

2. Reflection

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1. Intro

Pedagogy: the method and practice of teaching. The art of teaching. How education is delivered

  • Strategies
  • Techniques
  • Approaches

A part of education

2. Key concept:

  • Learning theory: how knowledge is absorbed, processed and retained
    • Related: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism
  • Instructional design: systematically design, develop and deliver instructional material
  • Differentiation: recognize learner have varies levels of skill, learning style and interest
  • Assessment: measuring learning progress and effectiveness

3. Principle

  • Learner centered: focus on the needs, backgrounds, experiences, and interests
    • Since that’s important
  • Active learning: discussion, problem-solving, case studies, hands on project
  • Feedback: regular and constructive feedback
  • Collaborating learning: work in groups, peer-to-peer education

4. What to Teach

  • Critical thinking, problem solving
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1. 我们真的理解彼此吗

发现Essentially Contested Concepts这个术语在中文互联网上几乎没有被讨论过,然而它对于人的日常交流极为重要,在此抛砖引玉。

这一来源于W.B. Gallie(苏格兰的社会理论家,政治理论家和哲学家)的同名论文。在中文中,我们可以翻译为“本质上有争议的概念”,意指是那些无法被大家达成统一定义的概念,比如说艺术、爱、权力、公平等。虽然这些词听起来不陌生,但在每个人心中的定义或者概念是不一样的。


了解这个概念可以让我们在涉及Essentially Contested Concepts的讨论时展现更开阔的思维,学会包容他人观点,而不是轻易否定他人。这种理解不仅可以用来反思自己的想法,也可以在认识到彼此不同之处的同时,帮助我们能找到更多的共同点。

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1. Intro

Try to learn the human right. The definition, how it developed, current situation, and differences in different country

2. UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights

United Nation, 1948

Principle: everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights

30 articles

But it is abused.

  • Not easy to enforce in practice
  • The UDHR is a declaration not a law

3. Stat


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1. Intro

Theatre: complex and multifaceted art form combines several elements and techniques, create engaging performance

Main elements

  • Acting: core of theatre, the ability to convincingly portray characters and tell stories
  • Voice and speech: effective use of voice and speech is crucial for clarity and expressiveness in conveying the script
  • Movement and physicality: physical expression is necessary to embody characters
  • Improvisation: ability to think and react quickly
  • Script Analysis
  • Understanding of stage: knowledge of lighting, sound and set design affect a performance
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional Intelligence: ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others
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1. Intro

At past, I went to museum and tried to see all the master.

Last weekend, I tried a new method

  • Take pen and notebook
  • Only appreciate ONE piece of work at one gallery
  • Reflect why I like or dislike that work
  • Try to mimic that work on paper

2. What I learned in SFMOMA

What I like:

  • Harmony and Connectivity
  • Patterns with Variations
  • Dynamic Elements
  • Aesthetic Preference: circular shape, symmetry, well-balanced but vibrant colors
  • Interactivity and Clarity

3. What I learned in De Young

  • Perspective matters: if you stay too close, can’t see the whole picture
  • Attraction to shiny footwear
  • Impact of simple geometry: from Africa arts, simple geometric design evoke a strong of wild feel
  • Use of color and contrast, could make elements stand out
  • Oil painting: smooth texture combined with richness of detail
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1. What

Different input, different output, amazing performance

Source: 2017, google, attention is all you need

All it do: predict the next word

2. Basics

Input: a array, tensor

Layer: model, weight, the only way the data is calculated

Weight: get trained

3. Part

Embedding: vectorize the token

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1. English for Fruit


  • Skin: grapes and apples
  • Peel: bananas and oranges
  • Rind: watermelon and cantaloupes


  • Flesh, pulp


  • Pit, Stone: larger, single seeds in peaches and cherries
  • Seed: smaller on in apples and watermelons

2. Vietnam and China

111 BCE: Han, conquered northern part of Vietnam, remained under Chinese rule for over a thousand years

938 CE: Vietnam gained independence from China after battle of Bach Dang River

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1. How Trolleybus Works


  • Power source: overhead wires with spring-loaded trolley poles
  • Electric motor: the power from external source, so no need to carry heavy batteries or fuel
  • Route: They are steered manually like normal buses
    • If switch wrong, the trolley would jump out of the wire


  • The overhead wires are well-insulated and waterproofed

Switch wire?

  • Manual
  • Automatic: frog and driver controlled frog
  • Advanced: GPS / remote control


Frog System

  • Turning would result different order in 1, which would tell the system how the bus turn so it can guide the wire
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1. Intro

Dance: rich and expressive art form, blend physical movement with artistic creativity

Basic principles

  • Musicality: understanding and interpreting the music, express the mood with the music (beat, rhythm, melody, dynamic)

  • Expression: a form of non-verbal communication, from facial emotions, gestures, body language

  • Coordination: use different parts of the body smoothly and efficiently

  • Alignment: proper alignment is essential for balance, control and to prevent injuries

Different form

  • Ballet: the foundation for many other dance styles
    • turnout, pointe work
  • Modern dance: focuses on using gravity, momentum and the weight of the body to enhance movement
    • Contractions and release, fall and recovery, use of breath
  • Jazz: incorporate sharp, dynamic movements and require a strong sense of rhythm and performance quality
    • Kicks, leaps, turns, isolations of body parts
  • Hip-hop: street-style movements
    • Breaking, popping, locking
  • Tap dance: creating rhythmic sound with feet

2. History

Ancient and Medieval Period

  • Early Rituals and celebrations, part of religious rituals and community celebrations

Renaissance 14th to 17th century

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