
1. Intro

In this module, we will learn about how baby think and discover

What else, language is learned

2. Development

Basic question:

  • Morality
  • Continuity
  • Knowledge, how much do we have and how much do we need to learn

Jean Piaget

The development of knowledge?

  • Think model differ in different stage
  • It is changed in the life when human grow
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1. Brain

Materialism:Everything is just no more than assemble of human brain



  • Descartes: humans are different, mind+material

  • creative? We are too complicated

  • method of doubt: You can doubt the body and everything might just be illusion, but not the mind.

you could survive without body

  • Problem:

  • Can’t answer important question about ourselves

  • we have better understanding of physics

Neurons,1000,000,000,000 in human brain, hard to build/copy

Very complicated process and machine. non-linear

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1. 层次




  • 长9万光年,宽1.3万光年,厚1万光年
  • 1000亿颗恒星
  • 缺乏蓝巨星,所以核心区域基调是黄色

2. 后院天文学




3. 北半球星空

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1. Overview


哥德尔不完全性定理$\to$人脑结构和心智的本质$\to$ 计算机程序和人工智能$\to$同时存在于数理结构和分子生物学的缠绕系统$\to$在音乐及绘画中的应用

2. 哥德尔不完全性定理


  • 形式系统:逻辑,由推理规则和符号
  • 不完全性:有真理不能被定理表述出来


E.g. “我不是一条真理”


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1. Introduction

Hard problem: need strong ability in so many technical areas

  • Perception
  • Planning
  • Control

1.1. More Than Pick-and-Place

The task a human can do is so remarkable.

Making salad? Grasping? Much more!

1.2. Open-world Manipulation

Challenge: very diverse world, and we have high expectation

Maybe it also is a chance that diversity would make the problem easier, since we would never ask for a optimal solution

1.3. Simulation

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1. Philosophy for the future (with Purpose)

Design the future career

Do the work help others

Don’t waste time and keep learning

2. Career Exploration

How to shape the career path?

The world is changing soon, so the career path is changing

  • aware of the possibilities
  • signup project outside fields
  • become a subject matter experts in important area
  • emotional resistence

Ask yourself, what is the driven and can you resist when face hard situation

  • can be paid for
  • what you love
  • what you good at
  • what the world need
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1. 8000-hours

2. What to do?

  • Good at
  • Help others
  • Good condition

3. What impact?

Not only make difference, but make huge impact

Impact=Number X Level

4. How to make differences

  • Donations, $1 means more in Kenya than in USA
  • political advocacy
  • help others become more effective

5. Find the focus area

  • big in scale
  • use number to make comparisons
  • number of people
  • effects
  • long-run benefits
  • neglected
  • affect neglected groups
  • few people know the problem
  • solvable
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1. Good Research

Collect information and answer questions, make inference more than the data itself

Systematic inquiry

  • begin research, read paper
  • Good research
  • Address some important issue, matter
  • Researchable
  • Not answered question, trying to reproduce knowledge

Find something and publish it (make it as knowledge)

2. Literature Review

Being part of a broader view.

Engage with other researcher, find their strength and weakness. Add value and contribute to the argument

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1. 基础


工艺:FDM(fused deposition modeling)



  • ABS( acrylonitrile butadiene styrene),更坚固,但是需要的温度更高,会有味道
  • PLA (polylactic acid),更脆弱一点

分辨率:目前基本都有200 microns (0.2mm),好一点的100microns


  • 常见:加热(防止底边翘起来)的玻璃板+胶带


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