
1. Question

The questions that always stay in my mind:

  1. How is time defined?
  2. How is time measured?
  3. What’s the origin of time?

2. Thoughts

How is time defined?

A measurement of motion and movement.

  • If a system is unchanging, it is timeless

Why can’t time go backward?

  • Due to second law of thermodynamics, in a isolated system, the entropy would only increase

How is time measured?

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1. Inequality Report

Mainly 4 areas

  1. Income inequality, how it changes
  2. More detailed evidence
  3. Gender inequality
  4. Carbon emission inequality

2. Shockings


Female labour income rate


  • Richest 10%: 52% income
  • Poorest 50%: 8% income


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1. Saving

Live below your means, look what you earn

Should I spend money on something? optimize the freedom money get rather than the money itself

New grads? save money for what you want

How much should spend?

Marriage? Different styles

Kids, how money works, how things work,

College, consider the growth of tuition and investment

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1. Intro






  1. 资源太少
  2. 资源分配不合理

2. 贫富差距

3. Draft 1


4. Draft 2


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1. Happiness

Positive psychology

What is happiness?

  • How happy are you? Common answer is 7,8, none under 5

  • Weather effect the mood much

  • From evolutionary point, happiness is the goal animal evolved to pursue


  1. Happiness doesn’t change much, highly heritable.
  2. daily things are irrelevance of certain event
  3. we adapt good or bad things
  4. Happiness is influenced by absolute and relative factors
  5. Judgement about past events are skewed
  6. we focus on peaks and endings
  7. better to put the pleasure in the end

Two things

  • Humility: we haven’t solve the problem
  • Optimism: the more we view the brain scientific, we appreciate more

2. Reflection



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1. Intro

Individual difference, how we explain that?

Clinical psychology, mental illnesses and therapies

2. Difference

How are we different? Why are we different

Talk mainly about personality and intelligence


  • How to assess? Reliability and Validity
  • Big 5, stable, and can predict real world behavior
  • Stability
  • Introversion
  • Openness
  • Antagonism
  • Conscientious


  • IQ score is normalized to normal distribution with mean=100,std=15
  • Social value, how people success in society highly related to how society value?
  • if social value red hair, red hair people become successful
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1. Intro

Social and non-social emotions

How we deal with other people? Social psychology

2. Emotion

Radical ideas

  1. Brain is the origin of mental
  2. Then where the brain comes from? Natural Selection

Where do complex things come from?

  • Creationism? The god is not perfect since some design in human is bad
  • Natural Selection

The brain is a product of evolution, this leads to a conclusion that

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1. Intro

Cognitive psychology, how we perceive the world, how attention works, how we store our memory

2. Perception and Attention

Perception is a hard problem

How we recognize the object? Still not well studied; Machines are getting better and better

See the perception system into math style, images are just number array

Different level

  1. Brightness

The brain would compensate the scene automatic

  1. Objects
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1. Intro




2. 母权

Main Ref




  • 大多数人类学家不认为母权社会存在过,Eller
  • 所讨论的母权社会是一种假设情况下的社会
  • 一些人类学家认为存在独立的母权家庭和宗族
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1. Why

最近出掉了用了大半年的Fujifilm X-S10,主要原因是对画质不太满意,ISO一高画面显得很糊

购入了Nikon Z5,对画质很满意,但是直出颜色远不及富士,所以研究一下富士色彩



2. 胶片模拟


  1. Provia默认模式,没什么特点

  2. Velvia鲜艳模式,拍摄风景时采用

  3. Classic Chrom经典正片,街头摄影时使用


  1. Classic Neg经典负片,最喜欢的胶片模拟,色彩浓郁
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