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1. Intro

Why this project? I wanna build a robot from scratch to fill the gap between theory and reality.

To build the robot, usually need following knowledge base

  • Mechanics, the build the body of robot
  • Electronic, the power of the robot
  • Computer, the brain of the robot

2. Goal

For the robot, I would like to focus on the mobile robot platform

Two level goals:

  1. Basic level, the robot can move, and use the lidar as a SLAM sensor, can track something using camera
  2. More precise control, going from A to B, the error should be less than 1cm

Consider a layer platform

  1. Environment sensing, different sensor to be used, a SBC is used. LiDAR, video camera, speaker, microphone
  2. Intelligence, communication, SBC, control other part
  3. Navigation, get the high-level command and go to desired position
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1. Intro

A model related to language, model behind GPT, BERT, T5

2. What

A general model

  • CNN for vision
  • RNN for language, sequential
  • hard to train
  • always forget

Initially, trained for translation

  • good for training
  • huge dataset

3. How it work

  1. Positional Encoding

add a index for the word, easier to train

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1. Alpha Matting

Goal: accurate matting for fine details

Application: background replacement, synthetic bokeh

Idea: not binary, but estimate a transparency value

How: Train a CNN

  • input: RGB image and coarse alpha matte
  • MobileNetV3 and shallow encoder-decoder
  • A studio to make high-quality dataset

2. Omnimattes

Goal: produce mask not only for objects but also their effects (shadow, smoke, reflection..)

Application: image and video editing

Idea: create different layer for each object and also the background

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1. Why

Method: test the single motor first and then deploy it to real robot

Any problem can be solved using a layered abstraction

2. Motor Types

AC Motor, taken from AC, application in industrial

  • Higher power, higher torque

Brushed and Brushless DC

  • Brushed
  • Brushless: smooth, no noise, efficient, high speed

Geared-: Speed reduction

Stepper/Servo: highest precision

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1. Intro

Common health problem

2. Eye problem & Migraines

headache, dizziness, computer vision syndrome


  1. 20-20-20
  2. Good lighting
  3. Blue light blocking glasses
  4. Adjust monitor

3. Back, neck and shoulder

pain, stiff, spinal


  1. sit/stand
  2. stretch break
  3. good posture/chair
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1. Lean Startup

Goal: create something customer would buy, as quick as possible

No idea is that great

The main thing is execution.


  1. build-measure-learn feedback loop
  2. everything is a grand experiment
  3. observe, don’t ask
  4. MVP
  5. from easy to real
  6. Three engine of growth
  7. sticky, long term customer
  8. viral, new customer should invite others
  9. paid
  10. Pivot?

2. Fastlane to financial freedom

From current to freedom

  1. use the business and investment, time is the highest value, create passive income, and chase dream
  2. wealth=profit+asset value, not bound by time
  3. five bussiness
  4. control
  5. entry
  6. need
  7. time
  8. scale: quantity or quality

3. Software Developer

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