
1. What is Jacobian Matrix

The Jacobian matrix is a matrix of partial derivatives that describes the rate of change of a system with respect to its variables. In other words, it relates the change in input variables to the change in output variables. The Jacobian matrix is commonly used in multivariable calculus and in the fields of physics, engineering, and robotics.

For example, consider a robotic arm with n degrees of freedom. The state of the robot can be described by a set of joint angles q = (q1, q2, …, qn), and the position of the end-effector can be described by a vector x = (x, y, z). The Jacobian matrix J relates the joint angles to the end-effector position:
\frac{\partial x}{\partial q_1} & \frac{\partial x}{\partial q_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial x}{\partial q_n}\
\frac{\partial y}{\partial q_1} & \frac{\partial y}{\partial q_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial y}{\partial q_n}\
\frac{\partial z}{\partial q_1} & \frac{\partial z}{\partial q_2} & \cdots & \frac{\partial z}{\partial q_n}

2. Jacobian for Robot Arm

In robotics, the Jacobian matrix is used to calculate the end-effector velocity given the joint velocities. This is important for controlling the motion of a robotic arm, as it allows us to determine the joint velocities required to achieve a desired end-effector velocity.

To calculate the Jacobian matrix for a robotic arm, we need to know the kinematic structure of the arm. This can be described using a URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) file, which defines the joint types, joint limits, and link lengths of the arm. Once we have the URDF file, we can derive the jacobian matrix mannauly

3. Jacobian for Inverse Kinematics

Inverse kinematics is a challenging problem in robotics, as it requires solving a system of non-linear equations.

The Jacobian matrix can be used to solve this problem by providing a linear approximation of the relationship between the joint angles and end-effector position. Specifically, we can use the Jacobian transpose to convert the desired end-effector velocity into joint velocities:

$$\dot{q} = J^T(x) \cdot \dot{x}$$ where $\dot{q}$ is the joint velocity, $\dot{x}$ is the desired end-effector velocity, and $J^T$ is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix. By iteratively updating the joint angles using the calculated joint velocities, we can converge to a solution that achieves the desired end-effector position.

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1. Math Formulation


  • 目标是根据需求来选择的,一般的会有的需求
  • 时间
  • joint constraints
  • 避障
  • 点:在三维空间中

2. Library

OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library)

  • sampling based and optimization based
  • How: PRM (Probabilistic Roadmaps ), RRT, BIT( Batch Informed Trees)
  • Input: include the robot’s configuration, the environment
  • Output: the motion plan, a sequence of robot configuration or trajectories

PIMPL (Pilz Industrial Motion Planner)

  • especially designed for industrial robot

STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning)

  • optimization based, suited for many degree of freedoms
  • How: iteratively optimizing a random trajectories
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1. Goal

Try to figure out a clear path or best practice for robot arm modeling and programming

Input: the requirements and some consideration, limitation


  • The robot arm model (the math model for kinematics)
  • The control algorithm
  • Kinematics
  • Invser-Kinematics
  • Simulation:(webots)

2. Requirements

  • Payload:
  • Influence: Structure and motor actuator
  • How: the weight, how far from the center of gravity, Ref
  • image-20230221204934948
  • Workspace, Ref
  • reachable
  • dexterous
  • image-20230221210331362
  • Accuracy: determined by sensor
  • Speed: model and actuators
  • Control: software and hardware needed for control and communication
  • Cost: materials, components, labor
  • Safety: vision / lidar
  • Maintenance: repair, parts, mechanical, electrical system

3. Modeling

3.1. Format? URDF

  • URDF: Unified Robot Description Format
  • Simpler, only the basics like geometry, kinematics, dynamics
  • SDF: Simulation Description Format
  • More featured, materials, lighting, camera model, environments
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1. 怎么产生有意义的文本


  • 但不是每次都使用概率最高的那一个单词,这样的话会很平淡。可能会导致重复
  • 随机性的引入

2. 概率的计算





3. 模型

3.1. 什么是模型

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1. Intro

Learn the book Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking by Neil Browne.

I would use ChatGPT to assist my reading. All the info is generated from ChatGPT, I would ask more detailed question to ChatGPT and examine the answer quality

2. Outline

ChatGPT first gives the outline of the book and summarize each chapter

2.1. Base

  1. Importance of critical thinking and questioning process

From unknown to known, using current knowledge to get a better answer

  1. Issue and Conclusion, important step, make the problem more clear

Issue: the central problem

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1. Intro

Using the Webots to do the simulation of general mobile arm robot

Current, the simulation have following task to do (in high level)

  • Build a simulation world (Place something)
  • Obstacles
  • Object
  • Robot base movement simulation (SLAM)
  • Robot arm manipulation simulation (Kinematics and Inverse)

2. Roadmap

2.1. Build the World


  • The big box simulate the tea tree
  • The small box simulate the tea leaf
  • The YouBot simulate our robot

2.2. Migrate from Matlab to Python

Control robot move by control the wheel directly

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1. Goal

For the robotics algorithm and development, a simulation platform is needed

In this post, I would review existing robot simulation platform, and decide one for further developmetn


  • Open Source
  • Speed
  • Lightweight

What makes a good simulator from zhihu

  • Accurate physics
  • Various sensor
  • Standard

For my current simulation, I want to try a mobile robot with arm, find a simulation platform that provide the existing robot is a great idea.

Since the purpose is to verify the algorithm, still a huge gap between Sim and Real, so the simulator could focus on the vision and kinematics rather than dynamics.

Kuka YouBot is the kind of robot I would like use,

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1. Goal

Review the future development for robot

Especially focus on market and industry, not research

2. Framework






  • 搬运:AGV,技术含量不高,需求旺盛
  • 焊接:点焊、弧焊
  • 装配:轻量型,自动化水平低
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1. Goal

Try to recover the path using lidar data

Data: Newer College Dataset from Oxford

  • Why not self-acquired data? Hard to get the ground truth, low resolution data

The data: quad with dynamics

  • 4 loops of quad with increasingly aggressive motion of device with swinging and fast walking (398 seconds)


  • Intel Realsense D435i - a stereoscopic-inertial camera
  • Ouster OS-1 (Gen 1) 64 - a 64 multi-beam 3D LiDAR also with an IMU

2. Explore

Read the ground truth

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