
1. Intro

Goal: Improve my taste for life. To make the question more clear

  • What is taste
  • What is the life quality measurement
  • How taste influence life quality
  • How much would it cost

2. What is Taste

Preference, sensitivities, discernments across various aspects of life

  • Arts
  • Culture
  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Social interaction

About things you find enjoyable, meaningful, valuable

3. How to Measure

Different for different aspect

  • Culture: appreciation for diverse culture, empathy, understanding
  • Aesthetic: appreciation for art, music, literature
  • Culinary: appreciation for food, social interaction
  • Style: creating pleasing personal and living space
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1. Method

Try to do this systematically.

  1. Define style, aesthetic, needs
  2. Layout planning
  3. Color scheme
  4. Furniture
  5. Decorate
    1. Soft furnishing: rugs, cushions, curtains
    2. Decorative items, artwork, photos, plant
    3. Lighting, mix of overhead, ambient, task lighting
  6. Shopping

2. Style


  • Simple but elegant
  • Appealing to me


  • Sleep: bed
  • Work: desk
  • Social? Relax, reading
  • Workout
  • Kitchen

3. Layout

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1. Why

Want to learn the design of interior, make my new studio apartment a more functional and eye pleasing place

2. Theory

2.1. Basic


  • Balance:
    • asymmetrical can express informal feeling
    • Symmetrical, formal
    • Radial: central focal point with other elements radiating from it
  • Unity: every thing should pair well with each other
    • Similar color, texture
  • Rhythm: create rhythmic pattern through visual repetition of form.
    • Direct someone’s attention around the space
  • Proportion and Scale: the item size, color, shape, form, should match with each other
  • Emphasis: to attract attention. Use one item as the focal point
    • Furniture, art work, etc
  • Contrast: most obvious one is using color, pairing light and dark, warm and cool
    • Less is more, not too much
  • Detail: contain the right finishing touches

2.2. Space Planning

What: determine the purpose, functional requirements, basic layout

How: generally 4 part

  • Social
  • Private
  • Work
  • Storage
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1. Why People Get Piercing

  • Personal expression
    • Look cool or unique
  • Confidence boost
    • Feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin
  • Cultural and personal significance
  • Therapeutic aspect: distraction from self-harm or as reminder of personal survival

Tongue: seems sexual to many

Nose: decoration, look good

2. Why Accessories on Neck, Ear, Wrist

  • Visibility: highly visible parts
  • Cultural significance
  • Functional and Symbolic reason:
    • Earring and necklaces can frame the face
  • Relatively safe and comfortable
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1. Intro

Memorial Day的长周末,独自开展了4天的旅程

Day 1:从San Jose坐火车到Santa Barbara。

  • 吃饭的时候是在餐车车厢,4个人share一张桌子。和其中一个奶奶聊了很久,看问题淡淡的,角度也很抽离,可能这就是经历多了的样子吧

Day 2:在SB闲逛,主要就是Downtown,State Street。晚上坐火车到LA

  • SB的海是朝南的,非常平静,不过也看不到落日沉入水面了

Day 3:在LA Downtown闲逛,China Town, Little Tokyo, 能明显感觉到人群的不同。晚上去了Santa Monica

  • China Town落魄了,看得出来曾经很繁华,如今都是老年人在其中生活
  • Little Tokyo里的二次元文化浓度很高,小众的、非主流的审美在这里非常自得
  • Santa Monica的Pier也是非常热闹,较之SF和Santa Cruze也是有过之而无不及
  • 和好几个路人、Homeless people聊了天,感觉到人的共性还是很多的,对于幸福、童年的追寻。人的交互也很有意思,态度是会mirror的。

Day 4:去逛了LA的两个艺术馆,The Broad和LACMA

  • 都比想象中要小
  • 逐渐能体会到现代艺术想要传达的意思,专注艺术形式的本身而不在意普世价值的美学和故事性
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1. Intro


2. 内容



  • 来源之一:孤独
    • 性放纵是解决办法之一,但是和酗酒类似,如果没有其他方式摆脱孤独,结局只能是越来越孤独
  • 不成熟的爱:共生有机体
  • 积极性:关心、责任、尊重、认识
  • 母爱:无条件的爱
  • 爱不是一种关系,是一种态度,不取决于对象,而是能力
    • 博爱:所有爱的基础,对他人的关心、尊重
    • 母爱
    • 性爱:独占性,只同一个人灵魂和肉体上融为一体
    • 自爱:爱自己是一生浪漫的开始


  • 坚持、专注、耐心
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1. Burrata

Similar to mozzarella but with a unique twist

  • Outer shell: solid mozzarella
  • Insider: mixture of curd and fresh cream

Usually served as addition to salads, over crusty bread, paired with tomatoes

2. 打呼噜


  • 体重原因:颈部有更多脂肪,呼吸道变窄(平躺时最明显)
  • 睡眠姿势:仰睡时舌头和软腭后坠
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1. Intro

Goal: control life, make the full-time job unnecessary


  1. Find interest and strengths
  2. Understand what kind of job is suitbale
  3. Create online profile
  4. Search for job opportunities

2. Interest


  • Professional skills. Focused on computer vision / image processing / robotics (path planning, motion planning, control)
  • Experiences: I enjoy building robots and develop useful algorithm that can be used in real life

Skill Inventory

  • Hard skills:
    • Programming: Python, C++
    • Computer Vision
    • Image Processing (from RAW image to final result)
    • Robotics
  • Soft skills
    • English and Chinese
    • Leadership: managed a team of 5
    • Time management


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1. Intro

Try to learn the best pose for photograph.

  • Capture the beauty of body? What is beautiful about the body
  • How to emphasis the beauty
  • How to create the beauty of body

2. Beauty of Human Body

  • Proportion and Symmetry
  • Definition and Tone, defined muscles
  • Posture and Poise, good posture
  • Smooth skin

3. How to Enhance

  • Lighting
    • Soft lighting
    • Directional lighting
    • Backlighting
  • Posing
    • Angle, use angle, turn to side and make the waist appear smaller, shoulder broader
    • Tension, keep muscle slightly tense
    • Line and curveL emphasize natural body curve
  • Background
    • Clean, simple background

4. Learn from Sculpture

Sculpture: idealized human form


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