
1. Basic

From chatGPT

  1. Find area with natural light
  2. Invest
  3. Sturdy tripod
  4. Artifical lighting
  5. Light Modifiers
  6. Background and surfaces
  7. Styling props
  8. Organize the workspace
  9. Learn and Practice
  10. Portfolio
  11. Network and Market

2. Artifical Light


  • Continuous light
  • Strobe light or flash
  • Speedlight

Color Temperature

  • 5000-5500


  • Above 90 is desireable
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A student can only participate the STEM OPT twice

Must purpuse their practical training through a employer that is enreolled in E-verify

they may use a start-up business so long as all regulatory requirements are met


May work for more than one employer, must be related to degree program and must be enrolled in E-verify

2. Steps froim SBA


  1. Conduct market research

  2. check if it is profitable

  3. Write business plan. Roadmap for how to structure, how to grow

  4. Fund your busniess

  5. Raise enough money

  6. Pick a location

  7. Choose structure

  8. sole proprietorship

  9. partnership

  10. LLC (limited liablity company)

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1. Intro

Basic Method

  • Graph-based: A*, D*
  • Anytime Sampling: RRT, RPM

BIT: combine graph and sampling

  • Use RGG to approximate the searched space


  • Completeness: can always find a solution from start to goal (if exist)
  • Almost-sure Asymptotic optimality

2. Unknown Term

RGG: random geometry graph

  • A type of mathematical graph
  • Node is randomly distributed in geometric space
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1. What

For a IMU, it can measure

  • linear acceleration
  • angular velocity

What to calibrate:

  • measurement bias
  • constant over time, independent of sonsor motion
  • due to manufacturing tolerance
  • scale factor
  • constant over time
  • due to tolerance
  • misalignments
  • drift rate
  • Noise

2. Basic Math


How accelerator works: MEMS

accelerometer model

The basic is: detect force

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1. What

Collision Testing algorithm

  • Very general, works with any combination of convex shape
  • Fast

Useful in physics simulation and video games

2. Math Foundations

Define a shape

  • A set of points that are infinitely dense

Define the intersection: share at least one point, vector difference is 0

  • if a=b
  • then a-b=0

If there are infinite number of points, it fails

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1. Goal

Avoid harm

General step:

  1. Create 3D model for robot (from URDF)
  2. Define workspace and trajectory (to detect the potential collision)
  3. Detection
  4. Avoidance
  5. Test

2. Detection

Separating Axis Theorem (SAT): Simple but computationally expensive

  • Pros:
  • Suitable for detecting collisions between convex polyhedra.
  • Can handle objects of arbitrary shapes and sizes.
  • Relatively easy to implement.
  • Cons:
  • May produce false negatives if the objects are not convex or have concavities.
  • Can be computationally expensive for complex shapes with many faces or vertices.

Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm:

  • Pros:
  • Can detect the intersection between any two convex objects.
  • Efficient and robust algorithm.
  • Can handle objects of arbitrary shapes and sizes.
  • Cons:
  • Can be more difficult to implement than some other methods.
  • May produce false negatives if the objects are not convex or have concavities.
  • Requires an initial guess for the closest points between the two shapes.

Minkowski Portal Refinement (MPR) algorithm: Non-convex, computation expensive

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1. Goal

Highlight some of the progress in 2022 and vision for 2023

2. Language Vision and Generative models

2.1. Language

Language model, although the simple objective is to predict the next word, the results are quite amazing

Chain of Thought prompting, help the language model follow logical chain of thought

Trained on multi-language model, it shows translation ability

Scaling give new power


2.2. Vision

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1. GPT3


  • Text Generation, using prompt
  • In-Context learning
  • World knowledge, factual knowledge and common sense


2. From GPT3 to ChatGPT



  • 上下文学习
  • 对话
  • 代码

3. Code-Davinci


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