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  • 朴素平等
  • 幸福平等
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2. 职业发展



  • 职业移民EB2/3
  • PERM
  • I-460
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  • 在I-140获批之后可以获得PD
  • 需要多久?一年半左右
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1. Stand

  • Tranditional Stand
  • C Stand

For C stand, get some stand bag for more steady envrionment

2. Adapters

grip, clamp, adapter

  • to work with C stand and attach all kinds of light/modifiers

try to avoid very specific usage tool

Plastic clamps: https://amzn.to/3gUd8Ul

Metal clamps (with rubber grip): https://amzn.to/3p2iAY2

C-Stand Grip Head (Neewer): https://amzn.to/34llyzc

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1. What to Buy?

  • basic fundamentals of lighting
  • fundamental of off-camera flash
  • lighting for your work

2. Flash Duration

With natutal light

  • High speed shutter to capture the motion
  • for splash, 1/1000s is needed

While with the flash speed

  • Maybe 1/40s is good enough
  • The flash duration capture the motion
  • shutter speed is irrelavant

The higher power, the longer flash duration

So to capture splash, use low flash output power

3. Sync Speed

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1. What

Supplement Usage Supplement Facts
CoQ10 (Fill out usage details) (Fill out supplement facts)
Melatonin (Fill out usage details) (Fill out supplement facts)
Magnesium (Fill out usage details) (Fill out supplement facts)
Omega-3 Fish Oil (Fill out usage details) (Fill out supplement facts)
One-Day Multivitamin (Fill out usage details) (Fill out supplement facts)
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1. Consistently

Brief: client key words

Creativity is a skills

Idea based on individual’s experience


  1. Brainstorm, there are no bad idea
  2. write down
  3. give stupid idea a chance

2. Light or Food?

Goal: make the food look good

  • show the texture?
  • show some feeling you want to make the food look

So: light is work for food

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1. Definition

What light does

  • Dimension

  • the shadow make it more 3D

  • image-20230505195632329

  • Sepatation: between subject and background

  • image-20230505195548452

  • Texture: how can we convey the feeling of texture

  • image-20230505200114478

  • back lit might help

  • Emotion

  • convey motion

  • reminds someone of a certain food, memory,

2. Why REACT strongly to Light

Psychological hard-wiring

Personal experience

  • bright cold for morning
  • dim warm for sunset
  • Color temperature variation throughout a single day | Download Scientific  Diagram

3. Zone System

What makes a photo stand out?

  • A map describe different shades of color gray
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1. Why

People are more happy to see usual pattern light

So there is “good” light placement

  • natural

Differnt light could achieve different purpose


  • Key light
  • Fill light
  • Effect light
  • Background light

2. Exposure

Ambient exposure

Flash exposure

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1. Light and Emotion

Direct light help feel healthier

Diffuse make people pale even ill

Light could provoke emotion

  1. Brightness
  2. Color
  3. Contrast
  4. Direction
  5. Natural
  6. Contribute to the mood

For food: capture more texture

  • back light
  • side light

2. Course

Focus on

  • bringing out the artist in your
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1. Definition and Different Space

Arrangement of Space

  • Active Space: area you want the viewer to focus
  • Negative Space: area around the subject

Pose with different position to make different feeling

  • To make static, stability, at rest

  • Passive Space: centered and surrounded by elements

  • eye at rest

  • To make dynamic, attract

  • Active Space: not centered, something about to happen

2. Figure Ground

Figure: visual dominant

Ground: surrouding areas

Area of greatest contrast

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