
1. History

Fresh milk become sour

could be stored easily

Different milk and different process produce different cheese

Now: 22,000,000,000 KGs cheese every year

2. Types


Cheesemonger: expert on cheese

Cheese board

  • milk type
  • cow
  • goat
  • sheep
  • bufflo
  • blend
  • texture
  • soft
  • medium
  • hard
  • color
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1. Intro

  1. Why $e^{-x^2}$ integral is $\sqrt{\pi}$
  2. Where is the $e^{-x^2}$ come from
  3. Connect

2. How to Calculate

Add a dimension and solve it

Subject: Request to Update Address and Adjust Auto Insurance Coverage

Dear [Insurance Agent’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to inform you that I have recently relocated and would appreciate it if you could update my personal records, specifically for my auto insurance policy. My new address is as follows:

1455 McCandless Drive, Milpitas, CA, 95035

In addition to this, as I have recently turned 25, I would appreciate if you could review my current auto insurance rates and see if there is potential for a reduction based on my age.

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1. Intro

& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (x)}{x} \frac{\sin (x / 3)}{x / 3} \frac{\sin (x / 5)}{x / 5} \frac{\sin (x / 7)}{x / 7} \frac{\sin (x / 9)}{x / 9} d x=\pi \
& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (x)}{x} \frac{\sin (x / 3)}{x / 3} \frac{\sin (x / 5)}{x / 5} \frac{\sin (x / 7)}{x / 7} \frac{\sin (x / 9)}{x / 9} \frac{\sin (x / 11)}{x / 11} d x=\pi \
& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (x)}{x} \frac{\sin (x / 3)}{x / 3} \frac{\sin (x / 5)}{x / 5} \frac{\sin (x / 7)}{x / 7} \frac{\sin (x / 9)}{x / 9} \frac{\sin (x / 11)}{x / 11} \frac{\sin (x / 13)}{x / 13} d x=\pi \
& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (x)}{x} \frac{\sin (x / 3)}{x / 3} \frac{\sin (x / 5)}{x / 5} \frac{\sin (x / 7)}{x / 7} \frac{\sin (x / 9)}{x / 9} \frac{\sin (x / 11)}{x / 11} \frac{\sin (x / 13)}{x / 13} \frac{\sin (x / 15)}{x / 15} d x=(0.99999999998529) \pi \
& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (x)}{x} \frac{\sin (x / 3)}{x / 3} \frac{\sin (x / 5)}{x / 5} \frac{\sin (x / 7)}{x / 7} \frac{\sin (x / 9)}{x / 9} \frac{\sin (x / 11)}{x / 11} \frac{\sin (x / 13)}{x / 13} \frac{\sin (x / 15)}{x / 15} \frac{\sin (x / 17)}{x / 17} d x=(0.99999998807962) \pi


2. Sliding Window

Moving average


Same pattern

Stable for sometime, then change suddenly

3. Sinc function

\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin (\pi x)}{\pi x} d x=1.0

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1. Intro

Combine ICP and point-to-plane ICP into a single probabilistic framework

  • More robust to incorrect correspondence
  • Easier to tune the maximum match distance

2. How it works

Align two point sets in 3D space

  • by minimizing the distance
  • Extends ICP by allowing more general types of correspondaences

3. Standard ICP


4. Point-to-Plane

Update the T calculation process (Line 11)
T \leftarrow \underset{T}{\operatorname{argmin}}\left{\sum_i w_i\left|\eta_i \cdot\left(T \cdot b_i-m_i\right)\right|^2\right}
Taking the surface normal information

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1. Intro

Overlooked the localization problem earlier.

So now the system is more clear

  • Offline map construction
  • Use LOAM series to build graph map and construction
  • Online global localization
  • Use HDL (GICP) to to the localization in real time

2. System


3. Test Via Point Data

Building Map:

  • y=5200, x=0
  • x=1920, y=5200
  • y=(745)73*80+100-65*80, x=1920
  • y=-300, x=700
  • x=150, y=-56


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1. Intro

Goal: try to understand the relationship between education and equality

  • How could education contribute to equality
  • What is the most important force for equality
  • Which equality should I chase first
  • How should I do?
  • What can GPT and AI do in the process

2. Equality, Fairness, Justice

Equality: give everyone the same thing(?) to get the similar result

  • same input

Fairness: About the justice in the way people are treated.

  • same output

Justice: invlove more than equality and fairness

  • address past wrongs or systemic disadvantage
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1. Intro


  • have the learned 3D lidar point cloud map
  • given a single frame (lidar scan) from lidar
  • calculate current robot position and pose (without knowing initial pose)

2. Review



  • Keyframe-based submaps
  • Global feature map
  • Global metric map

Single shot localization

  • Place Recognition: match the keyu frame
  • Place Recognition and Local Pose Estimation
  • Pose Estimation coupled Place Recognition
  • One stage global estimation
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1. Intro

Goal: calibrate between leishen lidar C16 and 6 axis IMU

Ref: unmannedlab/imu_lidar_calibration: Target-free Extrinsic Calibration of a 3D Lidar and an IMU (github.com)

2. Theory


Goal: estimate the extrinsic
R_L^I & { }^I \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{L}} \
0 & 1

  • Rotation Estimation


Motion of Lidar = Motion of IMU

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1. Goal

Improve current resume

  1. Define the guideline and limit
  2. Transform current resume into markdown format
  3. Add up-to-date info
  4. Use ChatGPT to general a new general resume
  5. Find a good template for exporting PDF

Later plan (target for specfic role) in the future

  1. Extract the most important skills needed
  2. Update accordingly

2. Guidelines


  • Include important keywords
  • Measurable metrics
  • 475-600 words
  • Remove the buzzwords, cliches

3. Reusme

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