
1. Swim Pose (Swimming Strokes)

  • Freestyle (front crawl)
    • fastest and most efficient
  • Breaststroke (蛙泳)
    • slower, preferred for short distance and leisure
  • Backstroke (仰泳)
    • breathing isn’t restricted
  • Butterfly
    • powerful but most energy-consuming

2. How Many Apples in a Tree

Will not produce fruit for the first 3-5 years

  • Peak when 10-30 years

Tree type: determined by the tree’s rootstock

  • Dwarf: 30-60
  • Semi-dwarf: 80-150
  • Standard: 150-300

Why rootstocks?

  • More predictability
  • Faster fruit production

3. How to Avoid Bite Nail

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1. Latin Language

Origin: Present-day Rome

Official language of Roman Empire and precursor to Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian

Usage: in liturgy of Roman Catholic Church and in scientific, medical and legal fields

Grammer: inflected language, the endings changes to reflect the grammatical function

2. Movie Industry

Hollywood?: from in the early 20th century. Flimmaker relocated from East coast to CA because its favorable climate, diverse landscapes. And escape patent claim of Thomas Edison’s motion picture patent company

Studio System: from 1920s to 1940s, Hollywood operated largely under Studio System, like MGM, Warner Bros, Paramount.

  • Control the whole industry

3. How is Meter Defined

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1. Intro

Fundamental Principle

  • Deeply interconnected with physical health, social, environment and experience
  • Continuum concept, not binary
  • Individual Variation
  • Early Intervention


  • Optimal functioning
  • Reducing suffering
  • Fostering relationship
  • Empowerment

2. Fundation

Definition, Biopsychosocial Model, Neurochemistry

What is mental health?

  • Refer to cognitive, behaviroal, emotional well-being
  • How people think, feel, and act

Biopsychosocial Model: biological, psychological and social factors all play significant role in human functioning

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1. Origin of Salad

Word: from Latin word “salata”, means salty

  • Reference to ancient practice of seasoning with salty oil-and-vinegar dressing

Core idea: combine fresh ingredient with some form of dressing.

2. Optical Lens Design

  1. Define purpose and specification
  2. Preliminary design
    1. Software: Zemax, OSLO, Code V
    2. Quickly prototype
  3. Optimize for aberration 偏差
    1. Coma, Spherical, Astigmatism, Chromatic, Distortion
  4. Advanced technique
    1. Aspherical elements
    2. Extra-low Dispersion(ED) Glass
    3. Fluorite
  5. Mechanical design
  6. Computational Enhancement

3. How is Protein Powder Made


  • Whey protein
    • byproduct of cheese production
    • gold standard for muscle building
  • Casein protein
    • derived from milk
  • Soy protein

4. Traffic Light Duration

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1. How Hand Language Works

Different in different country

How it works?

  • Modality, mainly visual, combination of
    • hand shapes
    • hand positions
    • movements
    • palm orientation
    • facial expression
    • body movements
  • Combination make for incredibly rich and expressive language
  • For specific word: use combination
  • Grammar: the order can determine the subject, verb and object

1.1. Name?

Fingerspelling: manual alphabet of specific sign language

Name sign: a person frequently referred to would have a special name sign

2. How is Instant Noodle made

  1. Mixed wheat flour, water, salt, kansui to form a dough
  2. Dough is rolled out to form a large sheet and sliced into noodle strands
  3. Strands are steamed, seasoned and oiled
  4. Frying or Air-drying
  5. Cooling

3. 马铃薯名字由来

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1. Why “Soft” Drink

Non-alcoholic beverages

Soft is contrast with “Hard”, has been used to describe alcoholic beverage

Why “hard”? Refer to the harsh/hard effect to human body

2. Power Bank Input to Output


  • Nothing: most would detect short circuit and shut down the power
  • Feedback: just charge itself
  • Battery drain because the conversion

3. What is Jazz

Complex and multifaceted music genre from

  • African American, in southern US, New Orleans
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1. Intro

Nutrition is the science interpret nutrients in food

  • for organism reproduction, health, disease
  • about food intake, absorption, assimilation and excretion

We take food for

  • Energy, Growth, Regulation, Well-being

Final goal: consume a balanced diet to fuel body’s many function and keep healthy

2. MacroNutrients

2.1. Carbohydrates


  • Simple Carbohydrates: sugar, can be rapidly digested and absored
    • 单糖Monosaccharides(葡萄糖、果糖)、蔗糖Disaccharide(牛奶、枫糖)
  • Complex: take longer to digest
    • 低聚糖Oligosaccharides(蔬菜中),多糖Polysaccharides(谷物和土豆)还有纤维fiber
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1. What is Tape Out

Milestone in the hardware design circle in integrated circuits (ICs).

Origin: the design file was written to a tape, sent out to fab for production

Currently: entirely digital, final steps before fabrication.

Meaning: substantial investment of time and resources

1.1. Other Important Event

Feasibility study

Requirement Specification

Architecture design

Detailed Design

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1. Human Vision Equivalent


  • 180 degrees horizontally, 150-160 degrees (for a single vision)
  • 135 degrees vertically


  • 6-7 M color vision
  • 120 M black and white vision


  • iris diameter from about 2mm to 8mm, equivalent to f8.3 to f2.1

Frame rate

  • take about 13 milliseconds to process, so around 60fps

Dynamic range

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