
1. Difficulties in Quick Charing


  • Heat generation
  • Battery health
  • Material limitation
  • Voltage Saturation
  • Current distribution

Solution: dynamic and adaptive charging

  • Adaptive voltage
  • Dual battery cell
  • Cooling cable
  • Management

2. How USB Extension Works

Break down

  • Hub controller, handle communication between devices and host
    • Manage data traffic
    • Manage power distribution
    • Bandwidth management

Power Provide

  • USB 1.0, 2.0: 5V 500mA=2.5W
  • USB 3.x: 5V 900mA=4.5W
  • USB Type-C: 5V/9V/15V 3A=15/27/45W or 20V/5A=100W
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1. Why SF so Cold

Unique geography and coastal current

  1. California Current is a cold oceanic current
  2. Cold current meat the warm land, leading to fog
  3. Golden gate allow cold air and fog to penetrate inland
  4. Microclimates

2. Sugar Intake Daily

Define: the sugar are added sugar

General 10%, healthier 5%

2000 calories: 50 gram, 25 gram

Natural sugar

  • also provide essential nutrients
  • fiber in whole fruit, slow the absorption, slower rise
  • lower risk

3. NPU Design Difference

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1. Food Mold, Why, What

Why? Mold spore landed on it and found the environment suitable for growth

  • Mold is a type of fungus
  • Presnet nearly everywhere in the environment

Good Environment:

  • moisture
  • food source
  • suitable temperature

White ball and string:

  • String are likely mycelium (菌丝), penetrate the food source and absorb nutrients
  • Ball might be the begining of sporangia (孢子囊), produce new spores into the environment

2. Blind Language – Braille

Braille (盲文)

Tactile writing system invented by Lous Braille, 1824

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1. Goal

Understand how a Chip made

2. Silicon

special and important to Semiconductors

By introducing different thing, we can control the flow of electricity

Transistor: amplifies and switches electrons

  • Chip is just countless assemble of transistor
  • can store and operate information

3. Ecosystem

The Semiconductor Terms That You Must Know | ‘All About Semiconductor’ by Samsung Semiconductor - YouTube


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1. User Case for Multiple User in OS

  • Multiple User in Household
  • Privacy
  • Personal and Work Separation
  • Guest Access
  • Software development

2. What’s the Right of Government Come from

In political philosophy. A foundational concept

Many theories:

  • Social Contract Theory: hypothetical and historical agreement between rulers and the ruled
  • Consenr of the Governed: is legitimate if it has the consent of the people it governs. Expressed through elections, refernda
  • Legal-Rational Authority: based on established laws and procedures

2.1. The minority obeys the majority?

In majoritarian systems, the majority’s preference may dominate policy and decision-making

  • Libreal democracy: embed protections for individual rights
  • Deliberative democracy: the decision should result from free, inclusive, reasoned debate rather than sheer majoritarian
  • Checks and Balance: offer protection to minority interest

2.2. The Bill of Right

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1. How Mouse Works

Pointing device detect two-dimensional motion

  1. Physical movement
  2. Optical sensor, omit light downward, next to a tiny camera
  3. Surface reflection, take pictures per second (often thousands)
  4. Signal Processing: compare consecutive images
  5. Translation to cursor movement

1.1. Camera?

Resolution: just 16x16 or 30x30, the reason to process fast

Surface imaging: works by looking for patterns and irregularities on the surface

1.2. Algorithm

Find the shift or displacement

Cross-correlation methods

2. How to Act Genuine

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1. Introduction

Goal: understand human behavior within societal contexts and interactions

Ultimate Question:

  • How societal structure and processes influence individual behaviors, belief and identities, or vice versa

Keep in mind:

  • Sociology is just a term, refer to the ability to see the relationship between individual and larger societal influence
  • Complete objectivity is difficult. Personal biases, norms, and cultural context influence interpretation
  • View: structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism
  • Macro and Micro perspective

Learning order: from Micro to Macro

  1. individual level
  2. small group level
  3. organizational level
  4. community level
  5. Societal global level

2. Individual

Self and identity

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1. Why Color check choose these Color

Chosen to represent natural objects of special interest


  • Primary color, RGB
  • Secondary color: cyan, magenta, yellow. Complementary to the primary color
  • Grayscale, aids in determining contrast, balance and exposure
  • Fleshtone: represent various skin tone
  • Chromatic color: challenge camera’s sensor and image processing pipeline, brighter and more vibrant
  • Neutral color: consistent color reference

2. Most Frequently used Focal Length

Smartphone: 24-28mm

Portrait: 85mm

Street: 35, 50mm

2.1. Physical Meaning of Focal Length

distance between the lens’s optical center or the principal point and the image sensor (or film) when the lens is focused at infinity

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1. Difference between Beef/Chicken/Pork

Muscle structure

  • beef more muscle mass
  • chicken lighter and delicate muscle
  • pork in between

Myoglobin content: 肌红蛋白

  • giving meat its red color
  • highest in beef, then pork, chicken least

Fat content

  • beef more marbled fat content, make it juicer and rick flavor
  • pork has a distinct fat profile
  • chicken depend on the part

1.1. Chicken White?

Muscle that are used

  • regularly and for extended activities have more myoglobin
  • short bursts like flight, have less myoglobin
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1. Why Human Discover Mars

  • Similarity to Earth, day length, polar ice caps, various surface feature
  • Potential for Life
  • Potential for Colonization
  • Culture and historical: Mars has been a fixture in the sky
  • Space race

2. Why US invade Vietnam

  1. Background: French colonial rule
  2. Cold War, US sought to contain the spread of communism
  3. Domino Theory: if Vietnam became communist, other countries would be influenced
  4. Partition of Vietnam: 1946-1954
    1. North, Ho Chi Minh, communism
    2. South, Ngo Dinh Diem, anti-comm
  5. US assistance to South Vietnam

3. Why Coconut has so many fat

Evolutionary Perspective:

  • Fat serve as energy source for germination
  • Buoyancy for dispersal
  • Protection: act as a cushioning 缓冲

Coconut oil?

  • From the kernel or meat of mature coconut
  • Saturated oil, but medium-chain, unlike animal fat, long-chain

4. Relationship between Fat and Oil

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