
1. Hat Trick Origin

Origin in cricket

  • when a bowler accomplish three wickets, they were awarded a hat

Adopted by other sports

  • football
  • ice hockey

2. Is Purified Water Bad


  • Lack of minerals
  • Leaching

If primary source as drinking water, could be potential health concern

3. Is Non-fat milk Really helpful

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1. Introduction

Goal: Understand the similarities, differences and historical development

  • Appreciate the rich tapestry of human religious experience

Ultimate question: Origin / Universality / Function / Truth / Future

Keep in mind

  • Open-mindedness
  • Respect
  • Cultural Context
  • Avoid Over-generalization
  • Empathy
  • Awareness of Bias

Learning order

1.1. My Question

What’s my belief system:

  • Science, not actually religious belief
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1. Fish Red and White

Except the oxygen needed (muscle rest or active)

The diet

  • orange flesh generally been feeding heavily on ocean crustaceans (甲壳类), contain pigments called carotenoids (胡萝卜素)

2. Why Salt Lake in Bay Area

Both natural and human activities

  • Mix of freshwater from rivers and saltwater from pacific ocean
  • Salt production, large areas are diked off to create evaporation ponds
  • Reduced freshwater inflow

3. Lens. F vs T

F-stops are a theoretical measurement

T-stops are actual measurements that are tested when the lens is calibrated

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1. Deliver Time Model

Deliver time components

  • Preparation time: use the historical data
  • Pick-up wait time: use the historical data
  • Travel time: integration with map services
  • Drop-off time: time to park, find location, use the historical data

Machine learning:

  • Use historical data to train a model
    • Regression model (linear, decision tree etc)

2. Grape Color

Due to the presence or absence of certain natural pigments

  • Anthocyanin(花青素), responsible for the red, purple color
  • Phenolic compounds(酚类化合物), red grape has higher, contributing to the stronger and more robust flavor
  • Evolutionary reason: attract different types of pollinator(授粉者)
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1. Role of CEO/CTO/CFO

CEO: making major corporate decision, managing the overall operations and resources

CTO: oversees the technological direction of the company

  • Ensure the technology strategy serves its business strategy
  • Guiding the R&D efforts
  • Mangement of IT
  • Making decision of platform, tools, approaches

CFO: managing the financial actions of the company

  • Tracking cash flow
  • Budgeting and financial forecasting

2. Yoga and Sex

Earlier yoga focused on spiritual practice

  • Bhakti yoga: devotion
  • Jnana: wisdom
  • Karma: selfless action

Later: Hatha yoga, more emphasis on physical posture

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1. Car Waiting Time Model in Red Light

Traffic Engineering problem


  • Green wave, you can go through a series of intersection without stopping.
  • Driver Reaction time: 1-2.5 seconds
  • Acceleration time: 2-4 seconds to reach the speed of the car in front of it

Math model

  • r=reaction time of each driver
  • a=acceleration time
  • n=number of cars in front of


2. Update V.S. Upgrade

Update is small change

Upgrade is big change

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1. Goal

So many files since come to US, want to know related information

2. Passport

Question: how can every country validate each other’s

  • Biometric Data, Bilatereal and multilateral agreement
  • Manual Check



  • Endorsement or stamp. Grants the holder permission to enter

Relationship with passport

  • VISA depend on passport
  • Visa issued by the country you wish to visit
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1. How Mountain Fire Finished

1.1. With Human

  • Firebreaks
  • Aerial support, drop water or fire retardants
  • Weather monitoring, wind direction
  • Controlled burns

1.2. Without Human

  • Run out of fuel, consumed all available vegetation
  • Weather changes
  • Natural barriers, like river, lake

2. Compare fries and rice

Fries: more fat, more calories, less healthy


  • Eat less fries
  • opt for brown rice for added fiber and nutrients

3. What is Trans Fat, why called trans

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1. How to Make Noodle


  • All purpose flour or high-gluten flour
  • Water
  • Salt: strengthen the gluten network, and more rounded flavor

Flour: Water= 2:1


  1. Dough Preparation
    1. combine flour and salt
    2. add water and mixing
    3. knead for 10 minutes until smooth and elastic
    4. shape into ball, rest 1 hour for easier stretch
  2. Pulling
    1. divide into small portions, golf ball size
    2. roll each ball into long thin strip
    3. hold ends, stretch by bouncing while pulling outward
  3. Cooking
    1. bring water to boil
    2. add noodles, fresh noodles cook much faster. 1-3 minutes
    3. transfer to a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process

2. Juice from Concentrate

Process: juiced and water is evaporated

Advantage: longer shelf life and easy to transfer

Disadvantage: alter the natural flavor, nutrition value may degrade

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1. General

  1. Preparation
    1. Candidate’s resume
    2. Determine the skills
    3. Clear goal for the interview
  2. Start with soft skill
    1. open-ended question to make the candidate comfortable
    2. Communication skills, problem-solving ability, teamwork capabilities
  3. Technical Screening
    1. Past projects, depth of knowledge
    2. Whiteboard session
  4. Porblem Solving
    1. Present real-world problem
    2. Look for their approach rather than the right solution

2. Specific to the Role

  1. Domain knowledge
  2. Software proficiency
  3. Hardware understanding
  4. Real-world scenarios
  5. Hands on Taks
  6. Research and Lastest trends
  7. Safety
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