
1. Why Canada Visa Biometrics is Collected in USCIS

USCIS and IRCC: share relevant information under established agreements

Concerning immigration and citizenship matters

Both handle:

  • Immigration
  • Refugee
  • Citizenship

2. Supplement Vitamin High Doses

Why? Marketing strategy for some companies to promote high-dose supplements

Advice: consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist

3. Benefit of Using the Footrest


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1. What Makes the Special Taste of Durian, Garlic, Onion, Cilantro

Durian: volatile sulfur compounds (硫化物)

Garlic: organosulfur compound (有机硫化物)大蒜素

Onion: contain organosulfur compounds

Cilantro: combination of various aliphatic aldehydes (脂肪醛)

1.1. Other

  • Blue cheese
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Natto
  • Olives

1.2. What’s the Common

Presence of specific chemical compounds


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1. Why Green Leaf would Yellow

As days get shorter and temperature cool, the production of chlorophyll(叶绿素) slows down and eventually stop

Carotenoids(类胡萝卜素) always present in leaves

In fall and winter, the grow speed decrease and the tree would reabsorb the nutritions in the leaf

2. Wild Mushroom Grow

Mycelium(菌丝)can live in the soil, wood etc for a long periods of time without producing mushrooms

Ideal condition: right temperature, a certain amount of moisture and suitable organic matter

Cultivating: wild mushroom can harbor competitors and pathogens, you must sterile tools (无菌环境)

  • Why still grow in wild: natural balance, huge quantity of spores

How mushroom spread their spores?

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1. Knee Joint Importance, Protection


  • One of the most critical weight-bearing joints in the body, essential role in walking, running and jumping
  • Shock absorption
  • Stability
  • Complex mechanism, include rotation and translation


  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Strengthen surrounding muscles
  • Flexibility, stretching regularly
  • Proper footwear, provide good arch support

Workout for strengthen surrounding muscles

  • Wall sit, for front thigh muscles

    How to Do a Wall Sit the Right Way | BODi

  • Hamstring curl

    Standing Hamstring Curls with Weight - YouTube

  • Calf Raise

    Calf Raises

  • Hip Muscle

2. How Ransomware Attack Works


  1. Infection vector, by email/bug/RDP/Download
  2. Lateral Movement, try to move laterally to infect as many machines as possible
  3. Encryption: this is done silently, so users don’t notice until too late
  4. Ransom Note: display a message informing and providing instruction
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1. Is Signature Really Useful

Several Purpose

  • Intent and consent
  • Verification
  • Deterrent to fraud
  • Historical precedence
  • Ritualistic role: make parties feel more bound to the terms

1.1. Digital

Electronic signature: just a image, can be easily forged

Digital signature: more secure, signer identity is verified using a certificate

2. Teeth Shape

Determined by genetics, evolution, function

  • Evolutionary factor
    • Canines: used as tearing food, display of aggression
    • As human evolved, jaw and teeth shape changed
      • Smaller jaw
      • Teeth became more adapted to a varied diet
  • Genetics: number, arrangement, and shape is coded in DNA
  • Function: incisors are designed for cutting and shearing; Canines are used for tearing and grasping;

3. Orange vs Mandarin, Lemon vs Lime

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1. What’s the Duty of Football Manager

  • Tactics and Strategy
    • Match-day strategies, starting lineup, in-game adjustment, set-piece tactics
    • Analyze opposition
  • Training
    • Plan and oversee training sessions
    • Use tech and data to analyze the performance
  • Player Management
    • Fitness and health
    • Ensuring a positive atmosphere
    • Provide guidance and motivation to player
  • Transfer and Recruitmnet
    • Collaborate with scouting team
    • Negotiate contracts, in conjunction with club’s director
    • Decide the sale or loan of players
  • Media Relation
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Match Day Management

1.1. Soccer?

From Association Football, shortened to Assoc, then add ‘er’ suffix, led to soccer

The word is widely used in UK until the latter half of the 20th century

2. How Freeze Dried Works

  1. Freezing: spread in a single layer, and rapidly frozen, forming small ice crystals
  2. Primary drying: placed in a vacuum chamber, the pressure is reduced, apply a little heat, cause the frozen water to sublime(升华), remove 95% of the water
  3. Secondary drying: more heat to break the molecular bindings and remove the bound water
  4. Packaging

2.1. Why Freeze Dried

  • Preserve most of the vitamins
  • Result in a porous structure, allow fruit to rehydrate when added to water
  • Flavor retention: minimal loss of flavor compounds
  • Long shelf life

3. Why is the Month Distribution Not Even

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1. What Determine the Heat Conduct Speed

Determined by the movement and interaction of particles or quasiparticles

  1. Lattice Vibration (晶格震动)
    1. Well-ordered crystal structure and stronger bonding would generally have higher thermal conductivity
  2. In metal, free electrons are a major contributor, carrying heat
  3. Porosity, the effective path increase, lower thermal conductivity

2. How Teleconvertor Works

A set of lenses that magnifies the image. NO movement

Design consideration

  • Magnification: 1.4x, 1.7x, 2x, the greater, the more light loss
  • Light loss, 1.4x result in one-stop loss


  • Some lens not compatible
  • Degrade the performance

3. Name Origin of Half Moon Bay

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1. What’s the Special Smell or Taste of Lamb

Special fatty acid profile, and presence of certain compounds

  1. Fatty acid composition: branched-chain fatty acid, particularly influential
  2. Volatile compounds
  3. Diet
  4. Age, as matures, the flavor become stronger

2. Stomach Volume of Adult

Resting volume: 50ml

Distended: hold up to 1L

Can expand further up to 2-4L

3. What’s the Drawback Sleep after Meal

  • Digestive discomfort
  • Acid reflux, heartburn
  • Poor digestion
  • Spike blood sugar level

4. How is Ocean divided, Who Defined

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1. Tidal

What: regular rise and fall of sea level caused primarily by the gravitational interactions between Earth and Moon, Sun


  • Gravitation

    • Moon pull on Earth, the strongest, result one bulge

    • Earth pull toward moon, result another bulge

    • Sun. weaker, but strong enough to influence

  • Centrifugal(离心力)


  • Semi-diurnal: 半日潮, two high tide and two low tides with same height each lunar day (24hr 50 min)
    • happen in many location like UK
  • Diurnal: 日潮, one high tide and one low tide each lunar day
    • happen in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Mixed: two high and two low with different heights
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1. Why Light Travel Shortest

Fermat’s principle for least time

Not only light, but all physical systems. Nature has a laziness principle

Feynman’s explain: quanta take every possible path, the least time path have the most influence on particles behavior

2. Bird Classification

Class: Ave

Order: Passeriformes, Accipitriformes, Anseriformes




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