
YC Course for Startup

1. Deciding to Start a Startup

Should you start a startup? What type of people?

  • Resilence

Motivation change very often, but

  • Solve the problem
  • People to work with

Ideas should be come up with the co-founder

  • Flash thoughts
  • Work with talented people

Can I live with worst case? Worst Case Scenario Analysis

Why NOT NOT startup

  • Young
  • Inexperienced
  • Not smart
  • Business
  • No cofounder
  • No idea

Things to Remember

  • Counterintuitive 反直觉
    • For decision
    • Believe instinct about people
  • Expertise: on the product and people rather than the startup itself
  • Product: product is the most important thing for people to purchase
  • All consuming: take up the life greatly
  • Idea? Just try to build something you like
    • Learn more about the state of art. So you can see what’s going on

2. Ideas

Common Mistake

  • Not solving a real problem
  • Stuck with tarpit idea (seems easy but actually hard to solve)
  • Not evaluating
  • Wait for the perfect idea

How to know its good or not

  • Fit
  • Market size
  • Problem, really need?
  • Competition
  • Do you want this
  • Change for the new market
  • Idea Space

Seems bad and actually good idea

  • Hard to start
  • Boring
  • Already competitor

How to come up with idea

  • Become an expert on something valuable
  • Work at a startup
  • Build things you find interesting
  • Live in the future

Take advantage of the team

3. MVP

How to find users?

  • People in your network
  • Coworkers


  • Video, phone, in-person
  • Build rapport
  • Don’t introduce your product
  • Listen
  • Open-ended question

Product easier to sell to startup company

Build with time limit and spec

4. Launch

Customer is the most important

  • They should pay

Sale: short, clear, address the problem

  • Outbound sales email

Order: start with easiest

No free-trial

5. Growing

Set KPI, prioritize your time

Do things really impact the business

  1. Revenue Growth should be FIRST one
  2. Other metrics ensure the business going