
Introduction to Marketing

1. Intro

Goal: Spread information more effective

2. Fundamentals of Marketing

What: act of promoting and selling products or services

Why: tell you how to position the idea/product in the market

What to do?

  • Know target audience, determine the value
  • Deliver the message, ads, blog, videos


  • Product: most important aspect
    • Explanation of what you do, how you do, why people care
    • First thing to think about
  • Price: remain aware how much competitor’s charge
  • Promotion: how to send the message, ads, content
  • Place: get your product in front of customer and convince them to buy
    • Online marketplace, sales, telemarketing, social media


  • Digital marketing: most popular form of marketing today
  • Print marketing
  • Experiential marketing: offer customer some experience
  • Influencer marketing
  • Affiliate marketing


  1. Define an objective
  2. Researching audience
  3. Define a budget
  4. Develop a plan
  5. Execute

Track the effectiveness of the Campaign

3. Digital Marketing

Field evolve rapidly, but core principle remain the same

3.1. Content Marketing

For ice-cold prospect become customer, need a few step

  1. Awareness: make people understand the problem and your solution
  2. Evaluation: make content help people make decision, too choose your solution
  3. Conversion: make content overcome the hesitancy, like return policy, product detail page etc

3.2. Social Media Marketing

4 parts

  • Social listening: monitoring and responding to customer service
  • Social influencing: establish authority, by sharing valuable content
  • Social networking: find and associate with influential individuals
  • Social selling: generating leads and sales from existing customer

3.3. Measurement

For paid campaign

  • Cost per acqusition
  • Cost per lead
  • Click-through rate
  • Cost per click

4. SEO Basics
