
Basic of Law

1. Intro

Understand the basics of law and the judicial system

  1. Learn about the legal system
  2. Specific areas of law
  3. How to handle legal issue
  4. Stay informed

2. Structure

Federal and State law

  • Federal law: created by Congress, applicable across all states
    • Immigration
    • Bankruptcy
    • Social security
    • If conflict, federal prevail
  • State law: applicable only within particular state
    • Education
    • Health
    • State criminal


  • Trial courts: the courts where a case starts. Parties present evidence and make arguments, the judge make a decision
    • Trial court is designed for fact-finding
  • Appellate courts: if a party is not satisfied with the decision, can appeal to higher court. Review the legal aspects, not factual evidence
    • Why not factual evidence: not practical, waste of time
  • Supreme courts: highest court. Often deal with issues of constitutional and public importance. Decision is final and binding
    • Final: last word on that particular legal issue
    • Binding: serve as a precedent must be followed by all lower courts, becomes part of the legal framework
    • Enforce: the decision is legally enforceable

3. Rights

Constitutional right

  • Freedom of speech
  • Right to privacy
  • Due process

Civil rights

  • Protection against discrimination
  • Equal protection
  • Voting rights

4. Specific laws

4.1. Contract Law

Agreements and Contracts

  • Contract is a binding agreement between two or more parties. To be enforcebale
    • Offer
    • Acceptance
    • Intention to create legal relation (in business environment, not social and family)
    • Consideration
  • Important to understand and clearly define the terms
  • Oral agreement can also be legally binding, although harder to prove

Terms of contact against law: the contract is void and unenforceable

Breach of Contract(违约)

  • What: a party fails to fulfill obligation, like failure to perform on time, not performing
  • Remedies(补救):
    • Damage:monetary compensation
    • Fulfill obligation
    • Cancellation and restitution

4.2. Property law

Ownership and leasing

  • Different type of ownership (joint tenancy(共同共有,均分), tenancy in common(可拥有不同等,可以遗嘱处置)), property rights and obligation
  • Tenant rights and lease agreemen
    • Habitable environment, right to privacy, protections against unfair eviction

Zoning Laws: help in planning and ensuring orderly development of communities

  • Regulate the use of land and structure. Determining what types of structure can be built in a particular area
  • Zoning law can affect property value, usage

4.3. Employment law

Employee right

  • Wages and hours: regulate minimum wage, overtime pay, and hour worked
    • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Workspace safety

5.1. Finding and Hiring an attorney

Choose the right lawyer

  • Identify legal needs
  • Research and referrals
  • Fee structure (hourly, flat, contingency)

Work with the lawyer

  • Effective communication
  • Documentation
  • Understanding process
  • Decision ultimately rest with you

5.2. Alternative Dispute Resolution(非诉讼解决方式)

Mediation(调解): neutral third party help the disputing parties to reach a mutual agreement, but does not impose a decision

Arbitration(仲裁): neutral third party hear the evidence and make decision

Reading and Analyzing

  • Key components: identify and understand key components of legal documents
  • Legal documents often use specific jargon
  • Assess the implications of the terms

Filling legal documents

  • Requirements
  • Court procedure
  • Record keeping