
First Step to Optimization

1. Overview

1.1. What is an optimization problem

Goal: Find the best solution to a problem out of a large set of possible solutions


  • objective: the goal, the value you want to optimize

We need to define a function to calculates the value

  • constrains: the restrictions on the set of possible solution

2. Linear Optimization

Computing the best solution to a problem modeled as a set of linear relationships

These problems often arise in engineering disciplines

2.1. Example

Goal: minimize $3x+4y$ with following constrains

x + 2y 14
3xy 0
xy 2

3. Constraint Optimization

Identifying feasible solutions out of a large set of candidates, where problem can be modeled in terms of arbitrary constrains

This optimization focus on the constraints and variables rather than the objective function. It just want to find out a feasible solution, not a optimal solution

3.1. Example 1 Employee Scheduling

Problem: employee scheduling

Background: create weekly schedules for their employees.

e.g. a company runs three 8-hour shifts per day and assigns three of its four employees to different shifts each day, while giving the fourth the day off

possible schedules: $4!=24$

possible schedules in a week: $24^7$

So we need to narrow down the solution space

4. Routing

Find efficient paths for transporting items through a complex network.

The network usually represented by a graph like the one below

There are mainly 2 types of routing problem:

  • node-routing: the goal is to visit the node

  • arc-routing: the goal is to visit the arc

e.g.1 Google Map’s Street view: Google need to construct the shortest route for the team to reduce the travel length. This is a arc-routing problem

e.g.2 A company needs to deliver packages to various locations using a fleet of vehicles. Each arc has a weight, the problem is to find a set of paths that include every destination while minimizing the total cost. This is a node-routing problem


5. Pack

The goal is to find the best way to pack a set of items of given sizes into containers with fixed capacities

There are mainly 2 packing problems:

  • Knapack problems

multiple containers (called knapack), items have values as well as sizes,

goal: maximize the total value

  • bin packing

multiple containers (called bin) with equal capacity.

goal: minimizing the number of bins

6. Assignment Problem

A group of workers has to perform a set of tasks. For each worker and task, there is a fixed cost for that worker to perform the task. The goal is to minimize the total cost.

And there will be a cost matrix

7. Scheduling

7.1. The Job Shop Problem

Multiple jobs are processed on several machines. Each job consists of a sequence of tasks, which must be performed in a given order, and each task must be processed on a specific machine.

Several constraints :

  • No task for a job can be started until the previous task for that job is completed.
  • A machine can only work on one task one time
  • A task, once started, must run to completion

For each task, it can be labeled by a pair of numbers $(m,p)$ where $m$ is the number of the machine that the task must processed and $p$ is the processing time of the task

e.g. in a factory, there are 3 jobs

  • job 0 = [(0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
  • job 1 = [(0, 2), (2, 1), (1, 4)]
  • job 2 = [(1, 4), (2, 3)]

and the solution can be illustrate like this