
Practical Linear Algebra -- Sparse Matrices

1. Introduction

In practice, most large matrices are sparse — almost all entries are zeros.

e.g. web link, word occurrence


  • Space: require a lot of memory
  • Time: a waste of time since most of the operations involve zero

1.1. When

In practice, we will get a sparse matrix since we choose specific encoding schemes

  • one-hot encoding, binary vectors, in recommender system, computer vision
  • count encoding, frequency, in NLP
  • TF-IDF, normalized frequency

1.2. Solution

Use an alternate data structure: only store data of non-zero values

  • Old data structure: Row and Column index mapped to a value
  • New data structure: Compressed Sparse Row. Represent matrix using 3 one-dimensional arrays
  • row
  • colunm
  • value