
Practical Linear Algebra -- Overview

1. Introduction

Top-down teaching method

Why study numerical linear algebra?

  • important in computer science

4 things need consideration

  • memory
  • speed
  • accuracy
  • scalability

That means there will be trade-off while designing

2. Matrix Computations

mainly 2 type of computation

  • Matrix products

  • Matrix-Vector Products: e.g. Markov Chain, from one state to another state, there will be a probability matrix

  • Matrix-Matrix Products: e.g. calculate different situation

  • images can be represented by matrices

  • convolution


in matrix multiplication viewpoint


  • Matrix decompositions

  • Topic modeling: SVD, QR

  • Background removal: robust PCA, SVD

  • PageRank algorithm

3. Accuracy — How Computer Store Numbers

Why accuracy is a problem?

  • Since computer store numbers finite and discrete
  • Big problem while repeating an operation since each operation could multiply the error

Floats and doubles are not equidistant


Machine Epsilon: Half the distance between 1 and the next larger number

  • defined by IEEE standards
  • $\varepsilon_{\text {machine}}=2^{-53} \approx 1.11 \times 10^{-16}$

3.1. Conditioning and Stability

We need to know how small change in input will influence the output

“A stable algorithm gives nearly the right answer to nearly the right question.” –Trefethen

since we can not tell the computer the “right” number

Conditioning: perturbation behavior of a mathematical problem (e.g. least squares)

Stability: perturbation behavior of an algorithm used to solve that problem on a computer (e.g. least squares algorithms, householder, back substitution, gaussian elimination)

  • e.g. while calculating eigen value, a small change in the input will get totally wrong answer

3.2. Approximation accuracy

Most of the time, we just don’t need to do highly matrix computations at scale,

  • machine learning, more efficient
  • Bloom filter algorithm, AdBlock, would give false positives, reduction in memory use of thousands of times

4. Memory Use – How Computer Store Matrices

A key way to save memory: just store the non-zero elements, this is called sparse storage. This is suited to sparse matrices that most elements are zero

The opposite, is dense storage, store every elements

5. Speed – How Computer Compute Matrices

Some key points to be considerd

  • Computational complexity: the big O notation, algorithm
  • Vectorization: Modern GPU and CPU, use low-level APIs: BLAS, LAPACK, hardware
  • Scaling to multiple cores and nodes
  • Locality: move data around, hardware

6. Scalability

Use multiple core and machine