

1. Physics

Sound is a pressure wave, pressure fluctuations move through space,but each air particle moves only a small distance.

While using a microphone to capture sounds, the physics behind it is AIR PRESSURE, so the waveform files (.wav/.mp3…) will have negative and positive value!

2. Spectrums

The spectrums of a sound plays a center role in determining its quality

we can represent the sound in frequency plot

  • the quality of a vowel depends on the shape of its spectrum
  • the peaks are called formants
  • the quality depends primarily on the first three formant

3. Spectrogram

A spectrogram is a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies of a signal as it varies with time. When applied to an audio signal, spectrograms are sometimes called sonographs, voiceprints, or voicegrams.

Time-Frequency Plot

4. Auditory

4.1. Loudness

Loudness depends on amplitude of the sound wave $\to$ Amplitude is usually measured in the terms of root-mean-square(over some time window)

perceived loudness is more closely related to intensity, proportional to the square of the amplitude, relative intensity in dB = $20log(\frac{x}{r})$

Loudness of pure tone (>40 dB) in Sones:

5. Sampling

What sampling rate? Due to Nyquist Theorem, twice that frequency

Since the highest frequency ears can perceive is about $20kHz$, we must sample at $2\times20kHz=40kHz$

However, almost all of the information relevant to speech sounds is below $10kHz$, so $20kHz$ sampling rate is enough

In practical, we use a sampling rate of $44.1kHz$