
1202 Question

1. Aviation System

Airways: Invisible path in the sky, pilots follow the predetermined routes


  1. At the gate
  2. Taxis to the runway
  3. Get clearance from air traffic control
  4. Take off


  1. Follow a descent path
  2. Get clearance to land
  3. Lands
  4. Taxis to its gate

Traffic rule:

  • Right-of-way rules
    • General rules
      • Non powered > powered
      • Balloons > non-powered
      • Distress aircraft >
    • Converging: the right has the right-of-way
    • Overtaking: aircraft being overtaken has the right-of-way
    • Head-on: both alter to the right
    • Landing: lower altitude
  • Altitude assignments to prevent collisions
  • Speed limits
  • Rules for navigating around bad weather

Communication: use radio to communicate with air traffic control and other aircraft

Navigation: use GPS and VORs (Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range.)

2. Chlorine turn Black to Red

  • Chemical reaction between the fabric dye and the chemical in the pool, especially chlorine, known for bleaching effect
  • pH level

3. Essential Oil

Concentrated plant extract, retain natural smell and flavor


  1. Extraction
    1. Distillation: most common, steamed, and cooled to separate the oil and water
    2. Cold pressing
    3. Solvent extraction
    4. CO2 extraction