
1024、25、26 Question

1. Mac And Cheese

Macaroni and cheese, traced back to Italy

  • Pasta cut into 2-inch squares, cooked in water, and tossed with grated cheese

Nowadays, using elbow macaroni and cheese source, has roots in 18th-century England

1.1. As a Meal?

  • Add vegetables
  • Choose whole-grain pasta
  • Moderate cheese and fat
  • Watch portion size

2. Hair Grow Speed

1.25 cm per month

Age: fast when children, slow down starting 20s and 30s

Gender: men slightly faster, more likely to experience hair loss

Race: Asian 6 inch per year, Caucasian 5 inch, African 4 inch

3. Electron Visualization

Simplified model, based on mathematical models

Better: quantum particles exist in region of space known as orbitals