
1018 Question

1. How Insurance Industry Works

Risk management tool designed to help individuals mitigate the financial impact of unexpected events

Basic model:

  • Risk pooling, the losses of the few are paid for by the many
  • Law of large numbers: as the size of sample grows, the actual loss will approximate the expected loss experience
  • Insured parties pay premiums in exchange for coverage
  • Investment Income: insurance companies collect premiums, in the interim, they can invest to earn return

Modern trends

  • Insurtech: Startup offer things like peer-to-peer insurance, on-demand insurance
  • Big Data: help refine the risk assessment models
  • Telematics: device tracking driving behavior to price premiums

2. Smog Test

Procedure to evaluate the amount and type of pollutants, help improving the air quality

  • From “Smoke” and “Fog”

3. Pineapple Flesh

  • Bromelain: 菠萝蛋白酶, start breaking down proteins in mouth
  • Acidity: pineapple is quite acidic, pH range from 3.2 to 4.5

4. English Font

Typeface vs. Font

  • Typeface is the design of character
  • Font: refers to specific version or weight of that typeface

Categories of Typefaces

  • Serif: have small decorative lines
  • Sans Serif: without Serif
  • Script: mimic cursive handwriting
  • Handwritten: mimic casual handwriting
  • Monospace: every character occupies the same amount of horizontal space, for typewriter and coding


  • Helvetica: corporate branding
  • Times New Roman: default in MS word
  • Arial: common for online and printed
  • Georgia: for clarity on screen display