
1008 Question

1. Why Coconut Drink Pink

Turn into pink on SHELF

Natural antioxidants begin to react with oxygen

2. Benefit of Carrot Drink

High in Beta-carotene and Vitamin A

  • Good for vision, support immune function

Antioxidant properties

Reduced cholesterol levels

Digestive health

3. How Hydrocortisone Works

Name: a kind of corticosteroid (皮质类固醇), a synthetic version of a hormone our body naturally produces

  • Immunosuppression: 免疫抑制
  • Reducing itching
  • Limitation on skin cell growth

4. How Compressed Raw Works

Two type

  • Lossless compression
    • Huffman coding
    • Run-length Encoding
    • Predictive Coding
  • Lossy compression
    • JPEG
    • Wavelet
    • Transform coding
    • Quantization

5. 光明会 Illuminati

Founded by Adam Weishuaupt in Bavaria, May 1, 1776

  • suppressed and disbanded by Bavarian government in 1785
    • Since it challenges to their power

Organization rather than religions