
0926 Question

1. Why Light Travel Shortest

Fermat’s principle for least time

Not only light, but all physical systems. Nature has a laziness principle

Feynman’s explain: quanta take every possible path, the least time path have the most influence on particles behavior

2. Bird Classification

Class: Ave

Order: Passeriformes, Accipitriformes, Anseriformes




3. Jewish: Culture or Race

As religion: people who follow Judaism are called Jews

As ethnic: can be Sephardi, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi

  • not all ethnic Jews practice Judaism

3.1. Israel

The land now Israel is considered homeland of the Jewish people (ethno-cultural groups)

Modern state: 1948, advocated for the re-establishment

Citizenship: follow the Law of Return

  • Grant every Jew the right to come to Israel and be granted citizenship
  • Who? Born of a Jewish mother or has converted to Judaism
  • How: documents show a connection to a recognized Jewish community / conversion documents / interview