
0920 Question

1. How Mountain Fire Finished

1.1. With Human

  • Firebreaks
  • Aerial support, drop water or fire retardants
  • Weather monitoring, wind direction
  • Controlled burns

1.2. Without Human

  • Run out of fuel, consumed all available vegetation
  • Weather changes
  • Natural barriers, like river, lake

2. Compare fries and rice

Fries: more fat, more calories, less healthy


  • Eat less fries
  • opt for brown rice for added fiber and nutrients

3. What is Trans Fat, why called trans

A type of unsaturated fat

Main source: industrially produced

Name: the hydrogen atom position in the fat bond

  • cis
  • trans: opposite


  • Raise LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Reduce HDL (good) cholesterol


  • Improved shelf life
  • Cost effective
  • Fry stability

4. Gender Theory

Gender and Sex

  • Sex refer to biological differences
  • Gender: refer to socially constructed roles

Gender is a Spectrum

  • there are many gender beyond male and female

Cisgender: person has gender align with their sex assigned at birth

Transgender: person has gender identity does not align with sex at birth

5. Do all gate need to work?

  • Manufacturing yield: all chips function well would be used
  • Redundancy: include redundant circuits, especially in memory arrays
  • Testing: if a logic gate is defective, the chip is usually discarded

Why its so good?

  • Photolithography
  • Clean room standards
  • Self-healing mechanisms
  • Bin sorting

Sold as lower-ended products

  • Core disabling
  • Feature disabling