
0911 Question

1. Why Human Discover Mars

  • Similarity to Earth, day length, polar ice caps, various surface feature
  • Potential for Life
  • Potential for Colonization
  • Culture and historical: Mars has been a fixture in the sky
  • Space race

2. Why US invade Vietnam

  1. Background: French colonial rule
  2. Cold War, US sought to contain the spread of communism
  3. Domino Theory: if Vietnam became communist, other countries would be influenced
  4. Partition of Vietnam: 1946-1954
    1. North, Ho Chi Minh, communism
    2. South, Ngo Dinh Diem, anti-comm
  5. US assistance to South Vietnam

3. Why Coconut has so many fat

Evolutionary Perspective:

  • Fat serve as energy source for germination
  • Buoyancy for dispersal
  • Protection: act as a cushioning 缓冲

Coconut oil?

  • From the kernel or meat of mature coconut
  • Saturated oil, but medium-chain, unlike animal fat, long-chain

4. Relationship between Fat and Oil


  • Fat often solid or semi-solid
  • Oil typical liquid


  • Fat: animal
  • Oil: plants

5. How is Chocolate made? How is it invented?

History: traced back to ancient Mesoamerican cultures, especially Maya and Aztecs


  1. Harvesting: cacao tree, produce large pods, contain cacao beans
  2. Fermentation: beans are placed in shallow containers to ferment,
    1. Crucial to develop the flavor
    2. several days
  3. Drying: spread out in the sun, take up to a week
  4. Roasting: bring out the rich chocolate flavor
  5. Winnowing: post-roasting
  6. Grinding, Mixing