
0909 Question

1. Latin Language

Origin: Present-day Rome

Official language of Roman Empire and precursor to Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian

Usage: in liturgy of Roman Catholic Church and in scientific, medical and legal fields

Grammer: inflected language, the endings changes to reflect the grammatical function

2. Movie Industry

Hollywood?: from in the early 20th century. Flimmaker relocated from East coast to CA because its favorable climate, diverse landscapes. And escape patent claim of Thomas Edison’s motion picture patent company

Studio System: from 1920s to 1940s, Hollywood operated largely under Studio System, like MGM, Warner Bros, Paramount.

  • Control the whole industry

3. How is Meter Defined

History: go through several definition

  • 1983 to present: speed of light

The distance that light travels in a vacuum in exactly 1/299792458 seconds

3.1. Seconds?

History: in terms of the earth’s motion, 1/86400 of a mean solar day

  • 1967 to present: the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation between two hyperfine level of the ground state of cesium-133 atom

3.2. 299792458?

according to previous meter definition

  • one meter as 1/40,000,000 of the Earth’s meridian

3.3. 9192631770?

according to previous seconds definition

was chosen to make the new definition of the second as close as possible to the less precise old second definition

4. Human Float in water?

  • Body composition
  • Lung size
  • Bone density
  • Relaxation

5. Credit Card Fraud

5.1. How?

  • Lost or stolen cards
  • Carding: cards data
  • Phishing: use fake emails
  • Skimming: device in card reader to capture data

5.2. Prevent

  • Guard
  • Check statement

6. What is Kebab

Variety of meat dishes popular in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean regions

  • Meat often skewered and then grilled or roasted

7. Hair Length and Hair Loss

  • Traction alopecia: long hair and prolonged tension would result thinning or bald patches
  • Hair breakage: long hair is more prone to breakage
  • Natural shedding: on average, people shed 50 to 100 hairs a day
    • Long hairs are more noticeable