
0906 Question

1. Why “Soft” Drink

Non-alcoholic beverages

Soft is contrast with “Hard”, has been used to describe alcoholic beverage

Why “hard”? Refer to the harsh/hard effect to human body

2. Power Bank Input to Output


  • Nothing: most would detect short circuit and shut down the power
  • Feedback: just charge itself
  • Battery drain because the conversion

3. What is Jazz

Complex and multifaceted music genre from

  • African American, in southern US, New Orleans

Key features

  • Improvisation, create melodies, harmonies and rhythms on the spot
  • Syncopation
  • Complex harmonies
  • Blue notes, lower pitch

4. Difference between Flour


  • Wheat Flour: most common
    • All purpose: 中筋面粉blend of hard and soft wheat
    • Bread: high in gluten高筋面粉, provide good structure
    • Cake: low in gluten低筋面粉, result in a fine crumb texture
    • Whole wheat: more nutritious but denser
    • Pastry: great for pie

5. Origin of Yoga

Ancient India more than 5000 years ago

Yoga derived from Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ means to yoke or bind

Book: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, describe the path to self-realization and enlightenment

5.1. Benefits

  • Physical: flexibility, strength, posture
  • Mental: stress reduction, mental clarity
  • Physiology

6. Goal of HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training

Origin: early-to-mind 20th century

  • began gaining significant popularity in the fitness industry in 21st century


  • Efficiency
  • Burn more fat
  • Muscle preservation