
0904 Question

1. Human Vision Equivalent


  • 180 degrees horizontally, 150-160 degrees (for a single vision)
  • 135 degrees vertically


  • 6-7 M color vision
  • 120 M black and white vision


  • iris diameter from about 2mm to 8mm, equivalent to f8.3 to f2.1

Frame rate

  • take about 13 milliseconds to process, so around 60fps

Dynamic range

  • human: 14 stops
  • camera generally less than that

Color Depth

  • human: millions of colors, hard to quantify
  • Camera: billion in raw, million in RGB 8bit

2. How Tongue and Nose works

2.1. Tongue

Taste buds

  • responsible for detecting sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savory

2.2. Nose

Olfactory cells: sensitive to chemical compounds

Sense of smell significantly influence the perception of taste

2.3. Why not commercial Used?

Hard to develop

  • sensitive sensor
  • calibration problem
  • adaptability
  • materials

3. What is Keto


  • 60-80% fat
  • 20-30% protein
  • 5-10% carbohydrate


  • Get body in keosis, burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates


  • avocado, butter, meat, fish, egg, cauliflower, cheese


  • 儿童癫痫
  • weight loss
  • type 2 diabetes
  • slow the cancer

4. Organic Food

Origin: early-to-mid 20th century


  • Health concern: because synthetic pesticides
  • Environmental Concern: organic farming more sustainable
  • Quality and taste: maybe fresher and more nutritious, taste better


  • No synthetic inputs
  • Natural resources
  • Animal welfare

5. Order Number Generation


  • Sequential Numbers
  • Random Numbers
  • Alphanumeric ID
  • GUID/UUID: GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) and UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
    • 128 bit number
    • different version: MAC, MD5, random number, SHA-1
    • not guaranteed to be unique

6. Plant Tree penetrate Stone?


How? Combination of mechanical pressure, chemical processes, and time

Mechanical Pressure

  • tip growth
  • Geotropism: maintain steady pressure

Chemical Processer

  • Acid secretion


  • slow process, took year
  • micro-fractures

7. Dark Mode Goal

Multiple purpose

  • Eye conform, reduced brightness and contrast
  • Sleep quality: Reduced blue light
  • Battery saving: on OLED and AMOLED screen
  • Aesthetic preference

8. How IBIS works


  • Sensor: gyroscopic, accelerometer
  • Processing unit
  • Actuator: move the sensor to counteract the detected motion


  • detect movement
  • data analysis
  • compensation

Predictive algorithm

  • try to predict future motion


  • still a tiny lag between motion and compensation
  • IBIS is most effective for low-frequency, small-amplitude movements