
0901 Question

1. Effective Meeting Process

1.1. Effective Meeting

  • Setting Agenda
  • Stick to tight schedule
  • Round-Robin
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Meeting minutes

1.2. Current Action

  • Objection
  • Active listening
  • ask targeted question
  • Skill development
  • Learing oppportunities

2. Soft-Shell Crab, Spider

2.1. Why soft?

Recently molted

Take some time for the shell to harden

  • a few days or couple of weeks

2.2. Why harden?

Sclerotization and Calcification: protein and chitin begin to link, also deposting calcium carbonate into the new exoskeleton

2.3. Spider

Not quite similar.

Crab: 10 legs including the claw

Spider: eight legs

3. Pickle Ball

Origin (not clear)

  • From Pickle Boat
  • Name of the family dog ‘Pickle’ of the co-founder

4. Mocha

Cafe Mocha: chocolate-flavored variant of cafe latte

  • espresso
  • hot milk
  • chocolate
  • whipped cream

5. Bird’s Life


  • morning feeding
  • Socializing, singing


  • reduced activity
  • Bathing and preening


  • feeding again
  • social interaction


  • Settling in
  • Last feeding


  • Roosting

5.1. Sleep


  • Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleep, half brain rest, half brain alert
  • REM sleep, like human


  • Standing
  • Perched
  • Floating
  • Nest