
0830 Question

1. Eagle? What’s the properties

  • Largest birds
  • Hooked beak
  • Strong, curved talon
  • Dense feathering
  • Keen eyesight

1.1. Hawk

A weaker eagle

2. Moon Rise Time?

Moon orbit earth roughly once every 27.3 days

Change gradually day by day

Various across 24 hour clock

2.1. Month?

Sidereal month: 27.3, moon orbit the earth

Synodic month: 29.5, compensate the earth orbit the sun

2.2. Change in two day

24hour/29.5=49 minutes

3. Camera Setting for Moon and Foreground

  • ISO: low ISO to reduce noise
  • Aperture: smaller aperture to get greater depth of field
  • Shutter Speed: Start around 1/60s
  • Spot Metering

GND filter