
Off Camera Flash

1. What to Buy?

  • basic fundamentals of lighting
  • fundamental of off-camera flash
  • lighting for your work

2. Flash Duration

With natutal light

  • High speed shutter to capture the motion
  • for splash, 1/1000s is needed

While with the flash speed

  • Maybe 1/40s is good enough
  • The flash duration capture the motion
  • shutter speed is irrelavant

The higher power, the longer flash duration

So to capture splash, use low flash output power

3. Sync Speed

The max speed camera can set to work properly with flash

Why limit? since In high shutter speed, the shutter should not fully open, so ther would be a dark area

Shoot as max sync speed

4. Flash Power

The more powerful, the more control you have on the depth of field

For flash, the power if linear
