
Good Research

1. Good Research

Collect information and answer questions, make inference more than the data itself

Systematic inquiry

  • begin research, read paper
  • Good research
  • Address some important issue, matter
  • Researchable
  • Not answered question, trying to reproduce knowledge

Find something and publish it (make it as knowledge)

2. Literature Review

Being part of a broader view.

Engage with other researcher, find their strength and weakness. Add value and contribute to the argument

Ensure you have a deep understanding on the current problem.

Then you can make move foreword

Research Philosophy

  1. Postpositivism, verify theory
  2. Constructivism, generate theory
  3. Transformative, political and change-oriented
  4. Pragmatism, real-world practice oriented

3. Management and Planning

What skills?Soft-skills

  • Management skills
  • Communication skills

Make best use of time, don’t waste time, divide the goal wisely.

Make progress everyday


4. How to Know the Situation

Test? Re-read the material wrote before

Confident and rationale

Validity and reliablity.