
Low Risk Investment

1. Intro

For risk consideration, especially as a beginner. I think it’s a good idea to place large portion of my investment into the low-risk investment first.

I plan to do some research first.

  1. What options do I have
  2. What’s the pro and con of each of them
  3. Should I diverse in low risk investment
  4. Tax consideration

2. What


  • Treasury: higher rate, but not tax-free, 5%
  • Municipal: lower, but tax-free

Money Market Funds (Cash account in Webull) 5%

Index Fund 20+% recent year

  • SP500:medium risk, across diverse company
  • Dow Jones: medium risk, 30 large company
  • NASDAQ: medium to high risk, focus on tech

3. Wash Sale Rule

If loss, sell and buy within 30days, the loss is not counted for tax deduction

4. Trading Time


ET: 9:30AM to 4:00 PM, that is 6:30AM to 1:00PM in PT

Pre-marketing: 4:00AM to 9:30AM, that is 1:00AM to 6:30AM in PT

After-Hours: 4:00PM to 8:00PM, that is 1:00PM to 5:00PM in PT


  • Higher volatility
  • Not all stocks available for trading