
Career Planning

1. Philosophy for the future (with Purpose)

Design the future career

Do the work help others

Don’t waste time and keep learning

2. Career Exploration

How to shape the career path?

The world is changing soon, so the career path is changing

  • aware of the possibilities
  • signup project outside fields
  • become a subject matter experts in important area
  • emotional resistence

Ask yourself, what is the driven and can you resist when face hard situation

  • can be paid for
  • what you love
  • what you good at
  • what the world need

Transferable skills

  • leadership
  • interperson

3. Technique for career exploration

  1. Design thinking, choose the value you value most
  2. Big 5 model
  3. Make plan
  4. Current, long-term decision
  5. Next, alternative
  6. Final, worst case

What’s really important? Confidence and Reputation

4. Softskills

4.1. Networking

  • future contacts
  • different information
  • How
  • overcome the anxiety
  • Integrate new experience
  • Positive, smile and curious

4.2. Character flaws, personal imperfections

  • unstable emotional status
  • Develop more self-awareness
  • Get feedback

4.3. Changing career



transferable skills

  • Know some tools
  • Tools in useful in new career
  • Know how to apply in new career

mid-career crisis

5. Communication

5.1. Digital profile


  • passive candidate
  • Professional photo
  • Headline contain important information
  • Summary, unique, credential
  • action, outcome

5.2. Resume

6. Adapt

work is more virtual

6.1. Essential Skill

Cultural Frequency

  • personal
  • organizational

  • Work smarter than harder
  • Understand Banter
  • Articulate goals
  • Find allies and mentor

6.2. Stand Out

  • show up
  • Start a blog
  • Publish articles on Medium
  • Publish in publication
  • Add value
  • more efficient
  • save/earn money
  • Fix problem

6.3. Personal Branding

Using your strength

Show the value