1. 8000-hours
2. What to do?
- Good at
- Help others
- Good condition
3. What impact?
Not only make difference, but make huge impact
Impact=Number X Level
4. How to make differences
- Donations, $1 means more in Kenya than in USA
- political advocacy
- help others become more effective
5. Find the focus area
- big in scale
- use number to make comparisons
- number of people
- effects
- long-run benefits
- neglected
- affect neglected groups
- few people know the problem
- solvable
6. What’s important?
- global health in poor country
- focusing on future generation
- forecast the problem in the future
7. How to help most
- Earning to give
- Advocacy, persuade a friend to give
- Research, if top 10%, highest impact
- Direct work, find a effective organisation
- Entrepreneurship
Find the career
- decide the problem
- read profile, read career ideas
- go through the 4 approuch