

1. History

Fresh milk become sour

could be stored easily

Different milk and different process produce different cheese

Now: 22,000,000,000 KGs cheese every year

2. Types


Cheesemonger: expert on cheese

Cheese board

  • milk type
  • cow
  • goat
  • sheep
  • bufflo
  • blend
  • texture
  • soft
  • medium
  • hard
  • color

3. Classic Cheese


  1. Mozzarella
  2. Italy
  3. Cow
  4. served with tomato
  5. inexpensive
  6. Feta
  7. Greek
  8. Sheep
  9. Salty
  10. served with salad
  11. Crottin de Chavignol
  12. France
  13. Goat
  14. Soft
  15. Blue Cheese
  16. Blue mold

4. Cheese Knowledge


Milk: whey + curd

Whey: use acid, build the Ricotta


  1. Salty water: Feta
  2. Hot water and stretch: Mozzarella
  3. Clean and compress: Gouda, Jack
  4. (Ferment) Blue cheese: Blue, camembert, brie
  5. (Ferment+compress) Cheddar, comte, parmesan

5. Tried

IMG_0617 Large

  • Feta
  • Gouda
  • Brie
  • Blue
  • Goat
  • Ricotta