

1. Photography

Photography means Writing with Lights

2. Elements

Record of people and things. Photo serves as document or symbol?

Making photo rather than Taking

Well organized/composited photo

Learning photography is just like learning language/writing

2.1. Shape

Syntax creates meaning, we arrange elements

Just 2D information

Use exposure to control what to emphasis

2.2. Form

3D aspect info

lighting and shadowing

distortion information

Close-large, far-small

2.3. Texture

Touch information

We need light/shadow to illustrate the texture

We should emphasis texture that people ignore in daily life

2.4. Tone

Lightness and darkness

Based on the message we want to convey

Meter: make the spot/overall image in gray

2.5. Line

We need to put element in a purpose


Vertical line $\to$ Solidity

Horizontal $\to$ from left to right (written language)

S-curve, radiant line, circular

2.6. Pattern

Repetition of similar elements

Direction, leads to the emphasis things

Capture the simple memory

Find the difference in pattern

too simple $\to$ visual candy (bad)

2.7. Color

Address color as elements

Visual weights

  • contrast (avoid)
  • similar

To achieve harmonious

3. Composition

Visual weights

  • someone interests in something
  • we need to assess the element

Goal: let the viewer look deeply to where I want them to

NO.1: Human Being

Other things like

  • strange shape
  • contrast color
  • strange texture
  • size

3.1. Balance

composition is a map,

  • map has to be accurate
  • viewer, the information want to convey

balance is bike riding

  • shifting body parts to balance
  • shifting the visual weight to balance

4. Organizing

4.1. Perspective

Perspective is a great tool to adjust visual weights

4.2. Symmetry

bike ride straight ahead

visually identical/similar items, size, number, shape

4.3. Asymmetry

engage more intellectually

attention is the key, how viewer see the image

like rule of thirds

5. Content

5.1. Portrait

soft light

fast shutter speed


Don’t include too much background

goal: reveal something unique and striking

5.2. Landscape

Striking position

largest F stop

5.3. Still Life

Different angle

Lightning condition

5.4. Tableau, Manipulated Landscape

recreating photo, dramtic


6. Light

6.1. Color


6.2. Ambient Light

fill flash to avoid shadow

change your/subject position

light and color

6.3. Controlled Light

Normal sunlight, cause least attention

Writing with light

If we want viewer to notice the light, we should make it abnormal

Most flash in 5500K-6000K,

Dedicated flash,

6.4. Shutter type

Focal plane shutter

Sync speed, means how long the flash would last

Slow sync: use the flash with lower shutter speed to make the background correctly exposured in night

7. Studio Light

7.1. Kitchen

Setup a lighting system to shoot

Lighting an object

  • determine the goal for the object first
  • sell
  • show the characteristic
  • convey the message
  • use extra light