
Nutrition Basics

1. Intro

Nutrition is the science interpret nutrients in food

  • for organism reproduction, health, disease
  • about food intake, absorption, assimilation and excretion

We take food for

  • Energy, Growth, Regulation, Well-being

Final goal: consume a balanced diet to fuel body’s many function and keep healthy

2. MacroNutrients

2.1. Carbohydrates


  • Simple Carbohydrates: sugar, can be rapidly digested and absored
    • 单糖Monosaccharides(葡萄糖、果糖)、蔗糖Disaccharide(牛奶、枫糖)
  • Complex: take longer to digest
    • 低聚糖Oligosaccharides(蔬菜中),多糖Polysaccharides(谷物和土豆)还有纤维fiber

Role: body’s preferred source of energy, most are converted into glucose (葡萄糖)

Take complex sugar can help stabilize blood sugar

2.2. Proteins

氨基酸Amino Acids

  • 20 standard amino acids, 9 are essential (must be obtained from food)

Role: growth, function, structure, transport

2.3. Fats


  • Saturated fats: solid at room temperature, in animal products.

    • high amount can increasing the risk of heart disease
  • Unsaturated fat: liquid at room temperature, in plants

    • Mono: 单不饱和,olive, avocados, nuts
    • Poly: 多不饱和,fish, walnuts, canola oil
  • Trans fats: artificially created, often found in fried food

Role: energy, necessary for nutrient absorption, precursors to hormones

3. MicroNutrients

3.1. Vitamins

Can NOT be synthesized (at all or enough) in the organisim


  • Water-Soluble: VC, VB, excreted in urine, so need to be consumed regularly
  • Fat-Soluble: VA VD VE VK, stored in body fat, be used as needed

Name origin: Latin ‘vita’, meaning life

  • Alphabet? from the order of their discovery

What? a group of organic compounds

3.2. Minerals

Calcium: bone, teeth

Iron: red blood cell

Potassium: muscle contraction

Magesium: aids numerous biochemical reaction

3.3. Antioxidants

Compounds that prevent or slow damage to cell

  • VC
  • VE
  • Selenium

4. Calories and Energy Balance

Intake should balance with the amount body burns

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), 基础代谢
  • Physical Activity Level, 运动量
  • Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): 食物热效应,energy required to digest abosrb and process the nutrients, about 10% of total caloric intake

5. Dietary Pattern

5.1. Principle: Balanced Diet

Take enough nutrient as required and have some stored in the body in case reduced intake

Macro: take enough to maintain energy balance

Micro: deficiency in any one lead to headth issue

Fiber: help prevent constipation

Water: essential

6. How to Read Nutrition Facts

Key info to read

  • Serving size

  • Calories

  • Fat

  • Cholesterol