
First Aid Course

1. Intro

Free online first aid course - First Aid for Free

Know the basics to treat daily life injuries

Some of the most common injuries in daily life

  • cuts. scrapes
  • burns
  • choking
  • nosebleed
  • animal bites

Basic Skill

  • CPR, AED
  • Wound case
  • Burn treatment

2. Introduction

Three Ps

  • Preserve Life
  • Prevent Deterioration
  • Promote Recovery

Incident management

  • you are the most important person and your safety come first
  • Report to 911
    • Location / number of victim / nature of injuries

Infection Control

  • Hand Hygiene: wash your hands
  • Personal protective equipment
  • clinical waste: disposed appropriately

3. Unconscious Victim

Primary survey: DRAB

  • Danger: make sure the scene is safe

  • Response: attemp to wake the person up by shouting loudly in both ear, gently shaking

    • if unconscious, they lose muscle tone, tongue might block their airway
  • Airway: tilting the head backwards and lifting the chain

  • Breathing, it should have normal breathing for 10 seconds

If normal breathing, the next step is place into recovery position


If not breathing, do CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  • without oxygen, brain cell starts to die in 4-5 minutes
  • CPR will not restart someone’s heart, just keeps them alive until a defibrillator arrives

CPR: Chest compression are the most important component of high-quality CPR

  • Press 5-6 cm, release all pressure without losing contact
  • Repeat 100-120 chest compression per minutes
  • It’s common feel ribs break, still need to deliver high-quality chest compression


4. Bleeding and Shock

The circulatory system, average adult have around 5 liters of blood

Three types of blood vessel

  • Arteries, high pressure, spurt out 动脉
  • Veins, 静脉, low pressure, flow steadily
  • Capillaries: very small and low pressure, will ooze


  1. Expose injury and elevate above level of heart
  2. apply firm direct pressure over wound
  3. call for emergency medical help

Puncture wounds

  • Do not remove the object unless it is very small
  • Apply pressure around the wound
  • Elevate the limb to prevent further blood loss

Shock: caused by sever blood loss

  • Recognize: pale, confusion, fast/weak pulse, fast shallow breathing
  • First aid: liw the casualty down and raise legs if possible, keep them warm
    • Do NOT give anything drink or eat

Minor wounds

  1. Wash hands, wear gloves
  2. Clean the wound thoroughly with antiseptic or clean running water
  3. Cover the wound using a clean dressing

5. Burns and Scalds


  • Type
    • Scald, by hot liquid
    • Friction, by rough surface
    • Radiation
    • Electrical
    • Chemical
  • Depth
    • Superficial
    • Partial thickness
    • Full thickness

Palm 1% surface. Burns more than 10% is serious and may produce shock

Steps for minor burn

  • Run the burn under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes
    • Goal: cool the burn
  • Expose the affected area
  • Cover with non-fluffy covering

What NOT to do:

  • do not try to remove clothing sticking to a burn
  • do not apply toothpaste to a burn

6. Question
