

1. Intro

Individual difference, how we explain that?

Clinical psychology, mental illnesses and therapies

2. Difference

How are we different? Why are we different

Talk mainly about personality and intelligence


  • How to assess? Reliability and Validity
  • Big 5, stable, and can predict real world behavior
  • Stability
  • Introversion
  • Openness
  • Antagonism
  • Conscientious


  • IQ score is normalized to normal distribution with mean=100,std=15
  • Social value, how people success in society highly related to how society value?
  • if social value red hair, red hair people become successful

Why are we different?

  1. High heritability (from gene)

  2. Contribute 0.3-0.7

  3. Non-shared environment

  4. Contribute 0.7-0.3

  5. This means parents doesn’t matter

  6. BUT this violate common sense

  7. If SO, why parents treat their children nicely?

  8. We treat others nice because we love them

Being good is not mean that you would transform someone else

3. Clinical

Mental illness is a myth?

  • being deviate from society

Major mental disorders

  1. Schizophrenia: most terrible, 1%of the world’s population

Positive symptoms: 幻觉,被迫害妄想,胡言乱语,行为失常

Why: lose connection of mind and

Brain: Too much dopamine (多巴胺)

Possible: difficult birth, stress and difficult family environment

  1. Mood disorders, major depression disorder

Symptoms: sadness

Why: no “reasonable” cause


  • Man: distract
  • Woman: accept

Heritable from (genes, brains, minds)

Brain: different brain basis

  1. Anxiety Disorder, affects 5% of people at sometime

Symptoms: diffuse, vague feeling, headaches, stomachaches

Why: classical conditioning

强迫症OCD(obsessive-compulsive disorder): check door, washing

  • gene
  1. Dissociation disorder

Symptoms: dis-association of memory, forget something

Why: start prior to age 10, most are women, report torture, sexual abuse and PTSD

Maybe the therapist itself make this DID, since in 1930, only 2 case, but 20000 case in 1980

  1. Personality disorder

James Bond


  • Psychodynamic therapy Freud
  • Behavior therapy Skinner
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Medical Interventions

Does therapy work?

  • Do recover better

4. Reflection

