

1. Intro

Cognitive psychology, how we perceive the world, how attention works, how we store our memory

2. Perception and Attention

Perception is a hard problem

How we recognize the object? Still not well studied; Machines are getting better and better

See the perception system into math style, images are just number array

Different level

  1. Brightness

The brain would compensate the scene automatic

  1. Objects

Proximity, we would take the natural form into count.

Continuation, tendency to continue

Good form

  1. Depth

Geometry, size, intersect

None of them is conscious,

Attention, three stage memory

  1. Sensory memory
  2. Short term memory
  3. Long term memory

How from 1$\to$2? Attention

  • Some are effortless
  • Some need more attention
  • Some are can’t stop (read, hear)

3. Memory

Implicit and Explicit


Long term memory is like unlimited, people never reach the limit

Short term memory is quite limit

  • The basic unit in short term memory is chunks

Feed something INTO brain

Learning? How to get things into LTM?

  • Think deeper, add more sense, add more connection
  • By image, mnemonic

Get something OUT of brain

  1. Retrieval curs
  2. Compatibility principle
  3. Searching strategies

Why sometimes we FORGET?

  1. Decay
  2. Interference
  3. Change of cues

What is learning? Create new memory

Why sometimes our memory is WRONG?

  1. Expectation
  2. Leading questions
  3. Hypnosis
  4. Repressed memories
  5. Flashbulb memories (vivid, important)

4. Reflection


  • 视觉系统和注意力


  • 我们如何记住?活动、短期、长期
  • 我们如何回忆?刺激、类似、搜索
  • 我们如何遗忘?消退、错误、改变
