
What is Good

1. Intro

I start to think about what is good, what is right. When we appreciate art, we have subjective opinion, does the art work itself has objective good property?

This is a problem I thought before, back then, I thought good is subjective, it represent a moral standard that teach by society. I think that works well for my daily decision making, helped me do the “good” thing, that is something that help my life goal (a world closer to my imagination)

Now I am reconsidering this question since I am learning art, music and food etc, these are topics more “human”. In the process, I always had questions like

  • Why this is good, why people like it
    • Who decide good or not
  • Do I like it, why I like it or not
  • Should I change my mind to follow others
  • What is the taste, is that just preference? A sum of someone’s past

2. Taste

I think taste is part of you. I think taste should be considered more or less, not good or bad.

Definition of taste (my version): preference on something

You need to experience all kinds of thing then you know what you like. For example, to have a taste of music, people should first listen to enough music, and then they can tell which one they like more. Its non-sense to compare thing that you even know.

Good taste: for daily life, I think good taste means someone experienced more than normal people and still in a relative understandable scale so that other would feel like “that’s good”, a new but acceptable experience.

3. Good/Bad

For art work, music, food, what is good and bad?

There are some general benchmark and specific benchmark used in a small group of people.

For any group, they can develop a benchmark for something, that’s ok but the opinion may not be accepted by normal people

A more well-established/educated group would have louder voice and more influence on how people think, in this way, they defined what is good or bad of a art work

  • I think this statement more accurate when talk about fine art since most people don’t get exposed to fine art, so people don’t even care.
  • As for music and food, these are just well exposed that everyone would have the ability to try and have a personal taste

4. What should I do

Experience more, learn about the benchmark, that’s it